뉴스엔 김예은 기자]tvN이 개국 10주년을 맞아 10월 9일 시상식 'tvN10 어워즈'를 개최한다. 참석자는 비밀리에 부쳐 translation - 뉴스엔 김예은 기자]tvN이 개국 10주년을 맞아 10월 9일 시상식 'tvN10 어워즈'를 개최한다. 참석자는 비밀리에 부쳐 English how to say

뉴스엔 김예은 기자]tvN이 개국 10주년을 맞아 10월 9일

뉴스엔 김예은 기자]

tvN이 개국 10주년을 맞아 10월 9일 시상식 'tvN10 어워즈'를 개최한다. 참석자는 비밀리에 부쳐져 있지만 전도연, 김혜수, 조진웅 등 유명 배우들과 대세 예능인들이 대거 참석할 것으로 예상된다. 반면 참석하지 않을 것이란 확신이 드는 스타들도 있다. 바로 tvN 프로그램에 출연하지 않은 배우, 예능인들. 이들을 다음 시상식에서는 만나고 싶단 생각은 욕심일까.

'섭외왕'이라는 별칭이 꼭 어울리는 tvN이다. '응답하라 1997'의 성공에는 싱크로율 넘치는 캐스팅이 주효했다. 연기 경력이 전무한 아이돌 정은지와 오디션 출신 가수 서인국이 주연을 맡았다고 했을 때만 해도 걱정이 가득했지만, 결론은 캐스팅이 신의 한 수가 됐다. 이후 '응답하라 시리즈', '꽃보다 시리즈', '삼시세끼 시리즈' 등에서 그 눈썰미가 드러나기도 했다. 

tvN이 성장하며 유명 배우들도 tvN을 찾기 시작했다. 전도연이 '굿 와이프'로 11년 만에 드라마에 출연했고, 김혜수가 '시그널'로 3년여 만에 안방을 찾았다. 고현정, 조진웅, 최지우, 신하균 등 영화와 지상파 채널에서만 볼 수 있던 배우들도 브라운관 나들이를 했다. 2014년 '괜찮아, 사랑이야' 이후 작품 활동이 전무했던 조인성이 '디어 마이 프렌즈'에 비중 있는 카메오로 나섰고, 2007년 이후 드라마에 출연하지 않았던 하정우가 11월 방송 예정인 '안투라지'에 특별 출연하기도 한다니 말 다했다. 

물론 지금까지도 시청자들은 tvN의 행보에 즐거웠고, 만족했다. 하지만 '브라운관에서 송강호를 본다면?', '드라마에서 이정재를 본다면?'이라는 욕심도 생길만. 그만큼 tvN이 뛰어난 캐스팅 능력을 보였기 때문이다. 그래서 꼽아봤다. tvN이라면 섭외할 수 있을 것 같은, tvN에서 보고 싶은 스타. 이들을 다음 tvN 시상식에서도 만날 수 있다면 얼마나 좋을까.

강호동도 이경규도 왔다, 이제는 유재석

예능계의 1인자는 단연 유재석이다. 하지만 유재석은 tvN이 개국한 후 10년간 한 번도 출연한 적이 없다. 반면 강호동, 이경규, 신동엽, 김구라 등 내로라하는 예능인들은 이미 tvN과 함께 호흡했다. 그간 케이블에는 출연하지 않았던 강호동도 '신서유기'를 통해 tvN과 손잡았고, 예능 대부라 불리는 이경규는 O tvN '예림이네 만물트럭'에 출연한 뒤 'SNL코리아7'에 호스트로 출연하기까지 했다. 

시기상 유재석이 올 때도 됐다. 물론 MBC '무한도전', SBS '일요일이 좋다-런닝맨', KBS 2TV '해피투게더'까지 지상파 3사를 누비며 맹활약을 하고 있기는 하다. 하지만 최근 유재석이 출연하던 SBS '동상이몽, 괜찮아 괜찮아'와 JTBC '투유프로젝트-슈가맨'이 종영을 했고, 그만큼 빈 시간도 생겼을 터. 유재석의 바르고 곧은 이미지와 tvN의 참신한 기획력이 만난다면 성공 확률은 99.9%. 유재석이 종합편성채널까지 진출한 상황, tvN이라고 못할 것은 없다. 

더도 말고 덜도 말고 강동원을 불러줘

드라마에서 보고 싶은 배우들이야 많고 많다. 앞서 언급했던 송강호와 이정재도 그에 속하는 인물들. 하지만 그중에서도 강동원을 꼽은 이유는 무엇보다도 잘생긴 외모 때문이다. 꽃미남 얼굴을 보다 오랜 시간, 꾸준히 보기 싫어하는 사람은 없다. 물론 강동원이 영화로 다작을 하고 있긴 하지만 스크린에서의 두 시간이 브라운관의 약 두세 달과 비교될 수는 없다. 

더불어 강동원이 2003년 출연했던 드라마 '1%의 어떤 것'이 현재 리메이크돼 방송되며 시청자들은 그때의 향수를 느꼈고

, 강동원의 드라마 출연을 조금 더 원하게 됐다. 강동원의 마지막 드라마는 2004년 방송된 '매직'. 자그마치 12년의 공백기가 있다. 하지만 전도연의 11년 공백을 깬 tvN이라면 강동원의 12년 공백도 깰 수 있지 않을까. '1% 어떤 것'이 리메이크되며 어쩌면 지금이 '딱' 적기라고 할 수도 있는 상황. 강동원을 안방에서도 만날 수 있길 기대해본다. 

토크쇼든 버라이어티든 떴다하면 대박, 서태지

서태지하면 '신비주의'라는 수식어가 자연스레 따른다. 이에 서태지가 어느 방송에 출연한다거나 공식 석상에 나선다는 소식은 많은 대중의 관심사가 되곤 했다. 그런 서태지가 2013년 결혼 후 신비주의를 조금씩 벗고 있다. 2014년에는 KBS 2TV '해피투게더'에 출연해 아내와 딸에 대한 이야기를 서슴없이 했고, 최근에는 자신의 노래로 만든 뮤지컬 '페스트'를 관람하며 카메라 앞에 섰다. 

하지만 예전에 비해 신비주의가 덜해졌을 뿐, 여전히 서태지는 많은 사람의 관심을 받고 있음에도 불구하고 세상에 모습을 드러내지 않는 스타 중 한 명이다. 그런 서태지가 '삼시세끼'에 출연해 농어촌 생활을 하거나 '집밥 백선생'에 나와 아내와 딸을 위해 요리를 배운다면 어떨까. 'SNL 코리아'의 호스트로 나서 코믹 연기를 선보이는 것도 서태지로서는 독특한 행보다. 활동을 하지 않아도 대중이 궁금해하는 연예인 서태지. 고정으로든 단발성 토크쇼로든 출연만 해도 '대박'이다. 
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Yes, reporter Kim news Yen]TvN this countries on October 9, the 10th anniversary of the awards ' tvN10 Awards '. Attendees are secretly part struck but jeon do-Yeon, Kim Hye-soo, Cho Jin-Woong, such as famous actors and three arts are expected to attend their daggers. On the other hand I am sure Iran will not attend the favorite star. TvN program did not immediately appeared on the actor, entertainer. Want to meet them in the next awards only thought was greedy.' King ' is the alias the contact fitting tvN. ' Respond to the success of the 1997 ' before the sink rate full cast. Smoke from an audition with the winning no Idol singer SEO had a leading role when full but worried about holds, the bottom line is that the cast was God's number. Since the ' respond ' series, ' flower ', a series of more than three quotes from the series ' such as the keen eye and then try to make it tighter. Even this growth and celebrities actors tvN tvN started to find. Jeon do-Yeon, this ' good wife ' 11 years after starring in the drama, Kim Hye-soo, the ' signal ' and found the only doorstep three. Go Hyun-Jung, Cho Jin-Woong, Choi Ji-woo, Shin HA-Kyun, etc can see only in the movies and the terrestrial channels, the actors also had a CRT outing. 2014 ' OK, love was relevant to the work activity after Executive Joins ' deer my friends ' rolls, as an emphasis on cameo since 2007, starring in the drama didn't HA Jung-Woo is scheduled November broadcast a special on ' Entourage also had speaking appearances. Of course, even now viewers tvN's pleasurable, satisfying. But if you look at? ', "Song Kang-Ho in CRT tv look at Lee Jung-Jae in? ' Only be called greed. That is because of this outstanding cast seemed capable of tvN. So plugging. If you can, tvN tvN seoboehal you wish to see in the star. If you are able to meet them, and then we also tvN awards.Kang Ho-Dong also helped up, now that yoo jae-SeokOne of the arguments is the performing arts by yoo jae-Seok. But after 10 years of this Nations tvN yoo jae-Seok is one never appeared. While Kang Ho-Dong, Lee Kyung Kyu, Prodigy, Kim Gura total entertainer such as are already breathing with tvN. Parameters that the cables did not even "new journey to the West ' starring justice through tvN and rides, and arts the Godfather known as Lee Kyung-Kyu O tvN Yes Yes water truck appeared in the forest after the ' ' SNL ' host had before the seven appeared in Korea. The last was when come to yoo jae-Seok. Of course, the MBC infinite challenge ', ' SBS ' good Sunday-the running man ', KBS 2TV ' happy together ' as far as the big three and four terrestrial and there. But recently, yoo jae-Seok was starring SBS ' JTBC ' and ' it's cool, it's cool Raymond statues to oil projects-Sugarman had ceased production, and that as long as ' empty hours look. the novelty of the straight image and rubbing of yoo jae-Seok tvN special forces meet success probability of 99.9%. Yoo jae-Seok is known as comprehensive organized channels is nothing never entered the situation, tvN. No more no less, call me Kang Dong-wonThere's a lot of what I'd like to see the actors from the drama a lot. I've mentioned earlier, Song Kang-Ho and Lee Jung-Jae also belongs to the people. But among the reasons more than anything else to hypothetically handsome Kang Dong-won looks. Hotties face people steadily for a long time, than the view. Of course, even with this prolific film and Kang Dong-won, but two hours of on screen, compared with about two or three months of CRTs cannot be. Along with Kang Dong-won 2003 drama ' what ' is the current of 1% will be broadcast viewers got to remake then felt nostalgia and, Was a little more cool drama starring Kang Dong-won. Kang Dong-won's last drama was broadcast in 2004 and ' magic '. There is a staggering 12 years of space. But if the 11-year gap of tvN broke jeon do-Yeon Kang Dong-won 12 years of spaces can break. ' What ' is this remake of 1% maybe now this is called the ' red flag ' may just the situation. Kang Dong-won and hope to meet in the parlor. If you hit the jackpot, talk show or variety or shine SEO taijiSEO Taiji is the ' Mystic ' modifier naturally follows. This SEO taiji, which appeared in the broadcast or the News North Korea has a lot of public interest in an official appearance. That SEO Taiji is a little mysticism after the marriage off in 2013. KBS 2TV in 2014, ' happy together ' appeared on my wife and daughter talk about fire, and recently made his singing musical ' Fest ', and stood in front of the camera. But it's been less than mysticism, still attracted the attention of many people in 30 countries, which in spite of the world is not exposed on one of the star. That SEO taiji ' put ' rural areas appeared on three quotes or ' House is listed on the back of Bob Fong ' wife and daughter learn to cook for. ' SNL ' host, or acting as a comic in Korea, serving as a unique row even SEO taiji. You do not need to wonder the public activities of the celebrity SEO taiji. Whether as a fixed or single-shot even a talk show starring ' jackpot '.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Yeeun News reporter Kim Yen]

tvN countries will hold a ceremony for the 10th anniversary of October 9 right 'tvN10 Awards. Attendees section stretched in secret, but is expected to be Jeon Do-yeon, Kim Hye-soo, Cho Jin-woong, including famous actors and entertainers will attend en masse trend. On the other hand there are the rea sure did not attend stars. Actors do not just starring in tvN program, the entertainers. The following awards wanna meet them think greed is a wonder.

The tvN the alias of 'liaison king' match exactly. The success of 'Reply 1997' There were two fruition full cast sink rate. Acting career is nonexistent even if Jung Eun-ji and took the idol only when he auditioned starring singer Seo In Guk, but full of worry, this conclusion was not God cast one. After 'Let response series was also' series over Flowers', etc. "three meals a day series that have a keen eye to emerge. 

TvN growth and also started looking for tvN the famous actor. This was a drama starring Jeon Do-yeon in 11 years with "The Good Wife," Kim Hess is found only in the master bedroom to three years 'signal'. Go Hyun-jung, Cho Jin-woong, Choi Ji Woo, the actor Shin Ha-kyun, including terrestrial channels could only see movies and even had a CRT outing. 2014 "It's all right, love's" after work activities are pushed to the cameo Jo In Sung This emphasis on "Deer My Friends" was Managing Director, Ha Jung-woo had not appeared on TV since 2007, has also starred Special on Nov broadcasting plan 'Entourage' handani it was said, 

of course, even now, viewers pleasant walk of the tvN, was satisfied. However, look at the picture tube from Song Kang-ho? ',' If you look at the drama Lee, Jeong - Jae? "But also called greed occur. This is because much tvN looked excellent casting ability. So I saw plugged. If you like to be able to tvN liaison, star'd like to see in tvN. Would not it be nice if you could meet them in the next tvN Awards.

Kang has also been also Girls, Yoo is now

one of the factors yeneunggye is far Yoo. But Yoo has never even once appeared 10 years after the two countries tvN. On the other hand entertainers such that naerora Kang, Girls, Shin, Kim Gura had already breathing with tvN. Whilst cable appeared not did Kang is also "New Journey to the West" through tvN and hands took, art loans, called Girls are O tvN 'Yelim stuffing everything Truck' to appear one after 'SNL Korea 7' in the host to appearances it to have. 

Yoo was also sigisang come. Of course MBC 'Infinite Challenge', SBS 'Good Sunday - Running Man', and it will be a big success nubimyeo the KBS 2TV 'Happy Together' terrestrial three to four. But recently, SBS 'dongsangyimong, it's okay. It's okay "and starring Yoo was JTBC' tuyu project - Sugar Man" from the jongyoung did, also occurs much free time. Yoo met if the rubbing of two innovative planning and images straight tvN success rate is 99.9%. Yoo is invited into the comprehensive channel conditions, there is not that tvN. 

Do more, no less, do the Sing Kang Dong Won

many many're an actor you want to see the drama. The figures also belong to him and Song Kang-ho Lee, Jeong - Jae mentioned earlier. Among the reasons, but I plug the Kang Dong-won is above all a handsome appearance. More handsome face, long time, no one hates steady view. Of course it is the Kang Dong-won is prolific in the film, but it can not be two times of the screen compared to about two or three months of CRT. 

Kang Dong Won is 'to any of the 1%' drama that starred in 2003 This gotta current remake is broadcast, with viewers I felt the nostalgia of that time

, was a little more of Kang Dong-won won the drama. The last drama 'Magic' 2004 broadcast year of Kang Dong-won. There are staggering interregnum of 12 years. But if tvN Jeon broke 11 years of space it would not be a space of Kang Dong-won break '12. '1% of Anything "is a remake of situations that might possibly be called now less' perfect'. I look forward in hope to meet Kang Dong Won doorstep. 

If any talk shine all varieties jackpot, Seo

Taiji you 'mysticism' follows naturally that qualified. This is handageona Taiji appeared in any news broadcast sets out in public was often a concern for many people. Then off Taiji has a little bit of mysticism in 2013 after marriage. In 2014, he, without hesitation, the story of the wife and daughter appeared on KBS 2TV 'Happy Together', recently I watched the musical "plague" made his singing and stood in front of the camera. 

But only been mysticism deolhae than ever before , Taiji is still one of the star does not reveal the figure, despite attracting interest for many people the world. What if that Taiji is listed on the rural life appeared on "three meals a day 'or' jipbap baekseonsaeng" I learned to cook for his wife and daughter. It serves as a host of comic acting after 'SNL Korea' Seo As more unique line. Artists do not have to work to the public Taiji wonder. Any way whatsoever appeared alone secured a solitary talk show 'Jackpot'. 
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
the gold is in press]tvN 10 anniversary of the founding of the october 9, 10 of the "tvN." was held. it was sent to the participants, jeon do yun, zhao zhen xiong jin huixiu, famous actors, and the artist is expected to will attend. on the contrary, to be sure that you are a star. the program does not appear in the tvN actor or artist. after the ceremony, people want to see that ambition.on behalf of the "public relations", must match the tvN. " in response to the synchronized swimming, "success is more than the casting work. the experience of the idol and the interview from the west, and the smell of when, but also full of worries, the result is the number of the casting. after the "a" series "," more beautiful than flowers series "," three "and other three series, with the vision to be   to pray.the development of tvN, the famous actor in the tvN began to find. jeon do yun "the good wife" tv series in 11 years. jin huixiu "signal" in the three years. present, zhao chen xiong, chen and choi jiwoo, this film and the ground wave channel can be used in the study are in the cathode ray tube. 2014 "good love", the works of art. i had no idea in sung zo ". the lens of the lens" is out of lochia, 2007, did not appear in the tv series. the show is scheduled for november "don"t vote." to a special performance.   said.of course, still in the audience tvN"s pace and very happy, very satisfied. in a cathode ray tube, the song "watch." in this series, "the view." this desire is long. therefore, the tvN casting ability, and to see it. so one of the best. tvN. public relations can be used to look at the star, in the tvN. in the next tvN they can also see how good it is.jiang li kui has also come in the.the art world of 1, in the absolute reason. but in the countries of the tvN after 10 years, once did not appear. on the contrary, in the river to the east, "shen jin. i said, the artist has been tvN and breathing. the cable is not strong in the "new journey to the west" run through the tvN and hand. the show is called "li kui o tvN art gallery is the first" and "in the know" SNL 7 as to.  played host.confucianism in the period of this time. of course, the "of" "the" challenge ", sbs good sunday - the" vest ", 2TV" happy "to the two to three, and is active in the period. but recently, the reason is that in the performance of sbs capital "strange bedfellows, no matter" and "the reason of the JTBC project - the first", and so the time is like water. the straight in the image and tvN"s new planning of the encounter, the success rate of one that is 99.9%. the comprehensive program in the channel to enter a state of tvN. unable to  .today, not tomorrow. gang dong won and called me.i want to see in the tv series. many of the actors. mentioned above, and the song ho jae lee in the characters. however, one of the gang dong won "the reason is mainly because of handsome appearance. flower face. for a long time, but people don"t like to see. the film creation of gang dong won, but in two time of the cathode ray tube of about two or three months and compared to  .a gang dong won the 2003 tv series. the "what" of 1%, the reproduction can be broadcast, the audience can feel the flavor.in the play, the gang dong won some hope. gang dong won the series in 2004, the song "magic". there are at least 12 years of lean. however, jeon do yun"s 11 year will break if the tvN gang dong won 12 years in space can also wake up. " 1% of what we do ", or" low "it is also possible that. the gang dong won to meet in the street to see   look.the show has no deformation or be bad. "in the paper, "mysticism" modifier will naturally follow. in this paper, a television, or public. news of the public interest would be better. so the paper will in 2013 after the mystery of the little friend. 2TV 2014 "," happy "in two more to his wife and daughter of his story. recently, his song" the plague ". the crowd, in front of the camera body.  the
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