다크 게이머의 숙명하벤 제국의 수도 아렌 성.이곳에서는 방대한 부지에 황제의 궁전 건축 작업이 이루어지고 있었다.평탄한 곡창지 translation - 다크 게이머의 숙명하벤 제국의 수도 아렌 성.이곳에서는 방대한 부지에 황제의 궁전 건축 작업이 이루어지고 있었다.평탄한 곡창지 English how to say

다크 게이머의 숙명하벤 제국의 수도 아렌 성.이곳에서는 방대한

다크 게이머의 숙명

하벤 제국의 수도 아렌 성.
이곳에서는 방대한 부지에 황제의 궁전 건축 작업이 이루
어지고 있었다.
평탄한 곡창지대를 밀어 버리고 바드레이의 통치력을 널
리 떨치기 위한 호화스러운 궁전을 짓기로 하였다.
"예술가들과 건축가들을 모아라."
헤르메스 길드에서는 그동안 예술에 대하여 인색하기 짝
이 없었다.
위드가 조각술을 알리고 난 이후에, 길드 차원에서 몇 명
의 조각사를 전략적으로 키우기는 하였다. 그러나 그들이 만
들어 내는 조각품들은 어쩌다 발굴되는 고대의 예술품보다
화가와 조각사 등에 대한 지원은 어느 순간 사라졌고, 예
술가들은 하벤 왕국에서 점점 떠나갔다.
그렇지만 황제의 궁전을 짓기 위해서는 필요한 존재들이
라서 부르고 있었다.
"황궁을 지어서 주민들의 충성도를 강제로 올리고, 세금
은 2% 정도를 추가로 더 올릴 수 있을 것입니다."
"전쟁에서 투항한 병사들을 광산으로 보내도록 하지요."
라페이가 진행하는 수뇌부 회의에서는 제국의 주민들을
쥐어짜 내기 위한 각종 아이디어들이 속출했다.
전쟁 승리 기념 세금.
황궁 건설 세금.
아렌 성 시설 정비를 위한 임시 세금.
군대의 시가지 행진을 위한 세금.
영토 확장에 따른 임시 세금.
위드가 들었다면 무릎을 치며 감탄하였을 참신한 의견들
이 나왔다.
"라살 왕국에는 드워프들이 제법 많이 살고 있습니다. 그
들을 강제로 잡아서 노예로 부려도 될 것 같습니다."
"일부 점령 지역에서 폭동이 일어나고 있습니다. 진압은
문제가 되지 않지만 치안이 낮아져서 엠비뉴 교단이 퍼지고
있는 중입니다."
하벤 제국 역시 들불처럼 퍼지고 있는 엠비뉴 교단에 피해
를 입고 있었다. 하지만 헤르메스 길드의 최상층 수뇌부는
그에 대해서 큰 걱정은 하지 않았다.
엠비뉴 교단이 대륙을 피폐하게 만들수록 그들은 사람들
의 경계를 조금 덜 받으면서 점령 작업을 진행할 수 있다. 대
륙을 정복하고 그 후에 엠비뉴 교단과의 전쟁을 선언하여 민
심을 얻을 수도 있기 때문이다.
물론 엠비뉴 교단과의 전쟁에 새로운 명목의 세금은 당연
히 필요할 것이다.
헤르메스 길드에서는 대륙을 완전히 정복하고 난 이후에
도 강성한 군대를 유지하며 유저들을 착취해 갈 작정이었다.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"나쁜 놈들."
헤르메스 길드가 전쟁을 중단하기로 했다는 소식을 듣자
마자 위드의 입에서는 본능적으로 욕부터 나왔다. 무언가 이
상한 낌새를 바로 눈치챈 것이다.
"뭔가 아주 안 좋은 꿍꿍이가 있어. 아무튼 나쁜 놈들은
믿을 수가 없다니까."
철학자들의 성선설, 성악설을 뛰어넘는 나쁜 놈 꿍꿍이설!
위드는 바하모르그를 앞세워서 서윤과 전투를 하면서 꼬
박꼬박 성장을 하고 있었다.
던전 사냥을 하며 각종 재료들을 입수하여, 요리 스킬도
드디어 고급에 올랐다.

-중급 요리 스킬의 레벨이 10이 되어 고급 요리 스킬로 변화됩니다.
다루기 까다로운 식재료들, 절임 요리, 발효 요리, 독을 가진 요리들을
부작용을 최소화하여 만들 수 있습니다.
음식의 보존 기간을 크게 높일 수 있습니다.
전문 요리를 제조할 수 있습니다.
전 스탯이 20포인트씩 늘어납니다.

요리에서도 대가라고 불릴 수 있게 됐다.
어느 도시로 가서 간단한 빵만 굽더라도 먹고살 수 있을
정도가 되었다.
노가다의 성과란 초창기보다는 후반에 더욱 크게 부각되
는 법.
그렇지만 위드는 누구나 그렇듯이 미래에 대한 불안감도
갖고 있었다.
"내가 꼬박꼬박 연금을 받을 수 있는 것도 아니고, 4대 보
험도 적용이 안 되지. 일을 그만둘 때 퇴직금도 나오지 않아."
지금은 짭짤하게 벌어들이고 있지만 미래는 알 수 없는 것.
직업 자체가 다른 프리렌서들처럼 불안하기 짝이 없었다.
얼마 전에 다크 게이머 연합에 공지 글 이후로 최고의 조
회 수와 반향을 기록한 게시물이 있었다.

제목 : 제가 결혼을 하려고 했습니다.
3년간 사귀어 온 사랑하는 여자가 있습니다.
어제 장인어른을 만나 뵙고 인사를 드렸죠.
그리고 저는 지금 울고 있습니다.
여자 친구는 괜찮다고 위로를 해 주지만 저 스스로가 견딜 수가
없네요. 장인어른과 제가 나누었던 이야기를 짧게 적어 보겠습니다.
"그래, 자네 지금 하는 일은 뭔가."
"예, 장인어른. 혹시 로열 로드라고 아십니까?"
"알다마다! 신문이나 텔레비전에서도 매일 나오고, 최근에 가장
잘나가는 기업이 유니콘이라고 했지. 매년 벌어들이는 수익이 엄청
나다면서? 직원들의 복지 혜텍도 상상이 안 될 정도라던데, 그래,
유니콘 사에 다니고 있었는가. 우리 효선이가 남자 하나는 제대로
"아니요. 직원이 아니라 로열 로드를 하면서 다른 사람들의 의뢰
를 받거나 사냥을 해서 얻은 아이템을 팔아 돈을 벌고 있습니다."
"...그래, 모아 놓은 돈은 좀 있는가?"
"약간 있습니다."
"얼마나 되는가?"
"지금 제가 착용하고 있는 장비들을 시세대로 처분하면 아마 집
보증금은 구할 수 있을 겁니다. 그리고 최근에 독 계열 아이템들 경
매 가격이 계속 오르고 있어서요."
"효선이 데려가면 고생은 안 시킬 수 있고?"
"예. 매일 18시간씩 캡슐에 들어가서 열심히 로열 로드를 하겠습
고등학교 때 다녔던 독서실을 넘어서는 정적. 이 슬픔을 아십니까?

다크 게이머들이라면 공감하지 않을 수 없는 이야기였다.
일종의 서비스업이지만 세상에 드러내 놓고 소개하기에는
개운하지가 않았다. 직업의 안정성, 일정한 소득, 복지 혜택
이 전무하였으니까.
더군다나 헤르메스 길드의 확장은 워낙에 거대한 위협이
다른 유저들도 헤르메스 길드를 부담스러워할 테지만
아르펜 왕국의 국왕 신분인 위드가 느끼는 압박감은 더욱
조각사 직업 마스터를 최초로 하더라도 그때쯤 바드레이
와 헤르메스 길드가 중앙 대륙을 통일한다면 무슨 의미가 있
하벤 제국의 대군이 북부로 와서 아르펜 왕국을 짓밟게 되
위드가 거액의 돈을 투자해서 세운 건물들이 부서지거나,
헤르메스 길드에서 차지하고 써먹게 될 것이다.
위드는 그런 쪽에 있어서는 마음이 여린 편이었다.
"속도 쓰리고 화병이 나서 병원비가 계속 나올지도 몰라."
방송으로 최초의 직업 마스터라면서 화려한 조명을 받은
후의 급격한 추락!
위드는 그런 걱정을 하지 않을 수가 없는 처지였다.
"아르펜 왕국은 내 밥그릇이야."
위드의 밥그릇에 대한 애착은 남달랐다.
동네 강아지들조차도 넘볼 수 없는 그의 밥그릇!
"밥그릇을 지킬 방법을 마련해야 되겠군."
그 어떤 위협에서도 아르펜 왕국을 지킬 수 있는 방법.
"스승님과 사형들에게 부탁을 해야 되겠지."
원래 어려운 일일수록 친한 사람들에게 떠넘겨야 된다. 지
금까지 구워 준 고기와 바쳐 온 술병들을 생각한다면 얼마든
지 나서 줄 것이다.
하지만 검치와 수련생들이 강하더라고 해도, 그게 전쟁 규모
로 단위가 커진다면 집중적인 마법 공격 등으로 인하여 한계
가 있었다.
그들만으로는 많이 부족했다.
"어디 놀고먹는 조각 생명체들을 데려와서 부려 먹을 수
From: -
To: -
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Dark Gamer's fate of

and Ben are the capital of Rennes St.
the vast grounds, Caesar's Palace, were working against the clock.
construction work IRU
flat, push the breadbasket and the reign of force gained bad Ray for the luxurious Palace Board
Li building.
"are the artists and architects."
Hermes has been stingy against the art Guild to the mate
Tweed, after informing the carving how many people in the Guild level I
Raise the engraver of strategically. But when they heard my sculptures are sometimes only
mined ancient art than
painter and engraver, and sources of support at any moment has gone, for getting in the Kingdom to leave their drinks by Ben
but the Emperor's Palace in order to build the required call because their existence
"Imperial Palace was forced to raise the residents ' loyalty, taxes,
2% additional will be able to contribute."
"In the war--a surrendering soldiers sent into the mine."
La Fay in the Empire's ongoing leadership meeting residents
squeeze had all sorts of ideas for people to win the war after another celebrated tax.
the Imperial Palace construction taxes.
Len Castle facilities for the maintenance of the army, marched to the city for temporary tax.
taxes for territorial expansion, resulting in temporary tax.
Tweed has heard comments from the novelty goes on her knees and has impressed
"La Salle kingdoms dwarves are freaking awesome. He caught and enslaved them no amount of force
seems to be. "
"Some of the occupied area in riots. The repression is not an issue, it lowers m. policing
Avenue denomination spread
. "
And Ben Empire is also spreading like wildfire in the m. Avenue wearing a denominations were affected in the
. But the top leadership of the Guild
Hermes, he did not have to worry about large.
m. Avenue leading to the continent torn denomination they people
Poked a little less the boundaries of occupation can proceed. Vs
shueh conquered and then declares war of m. Avenue denominations called the push is because it might get
of course m. Avenue and it's no wonder a new war on the pretext of tax
Hirschberg will be needed to completely conquer the continent.
Hermes Guild and I keep an army even after
stiffness users intend to take milk.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"bad guys."
Hermes has decided to halt the war news in the Guild I heard in the mouth of the Tweed as instinctively
baths since I came out. Something that will make a break immediately noticed the high-end
"there's something very great mischief. Well I refuse to believe bad guys
. "
Philosophers of the Castle line, surpassed bastard mischief vocal snow snow!
apseweoseo him know weed Baja in Yun and combat while I was growing up, Park Ko
Dungeon hunt and get all sorts of materials, Cooking skill too
-intermediate advanced. Finally

cooking skill is the skill level of fine food is transformed into 10. dealing with tricky ingredients, pickled dish

, fermentation, cooking, dishes with venom
minimize side effects you can create with.
you can dramatically increase the retention of food.
specialties can manufacture.
I stat 20

cooking pointeussig also called for increases..
Which went into the city, only a simple bread bake was enough to be able to buy eating
Labor's performance in the second half even more significantly than the early days of comments highlighting how.

, but as for all the jitters about the future of weed too
"I don't get a pension, nor can also apply to the examination of the four boy
Ian. Don't quit your job when not severance. "
Now are making, but also to the future is unknown.
Like many other Freelancer job itself insecure this.
shortly before writing the best gamers in the dark Union bulletin since Joe was recorded with ECHO
times post.

title: I was trying to get acquainted with three years of marriage, came love.
yesterday's father-in-law was greeted with seeing.
and I are crying now.
girlfriend was fine back, but bear with me yourself
. Make a note of the nun story short adults and craftsmanship I.
"Yes, now do something."
"Yes, father-in-law. Have you ever called the Royal Road? "
"Know every time! Coming out every day in the newspapers or television, is said to be one of the most coolest companies recently did the Unicorn
. Each year, the collection returns a ton of
I foe? Employees ' welfare, Hye-tech also cannot imagine at this scale, Yes, it could go on
Unicorn. We have a line of yeast, one man ran properly
. "
"No, no. Staff as well as the Royal Road to receive other people's submissions while hunting-earned items
sold to make money. "
"...Yes, it's a collection of the money a little? "
"A little."
"How much?"
"Right now I'm wearing the gear, you can probably dispose of House as a ticker
deposits would be available. And in recent years, the poison series continues to climb every price Sir
items. "
"Don't take a line of yeast can suffer?"
"Yes, daily 18 hours went into the capsule would wet heat load as hard
High school when I went to a reading room and beyond. This sadness?

if it cannot not be resonating dark gamer story.
reveals some sort of service, but it is too early to introduce the world to the place did not.
refreshed Job stability, constant income, welfare benefits, Managing Director,
Furthermore, the expansion of the Hermes Guild so was a huge threat to
even other users when the Hermes Guild unnerving but
w Le Pen feels tightness the King of the Kingdom of identity, were even more Tweed is the
even if the master engraver profession first geuddaejjeum bad Ray
and if unification of the Central continent of Hermes guilds were what it means for the Empire army.

would come to Northern Ben arsenal did the Kingdom is where Le Pen
Tweed was found by investing large amounts of money building their broken or accounted for in Hermes, worked in the Guild
it comes to mind in such a way, tender weed.
"speed three and keep the rain from coming out of the hospital my vase."
Broadcast the first job after a spectacular lighting master none received a drastic crash!

don't worry about weed not sagging.
"Oh Le Pen's my rice bowl is the Kingdom."
Weed's Bowl have a soft spot for the South different.
Even those unable to see the neighborhood dogs over his bowl! "is how to keep the bowl should set aside."
That's what threats are on the way.
the pen Kingdom "and sentenced to death, you should ask them."
The original left hand it to the people, the more difficult becomes intimate. That gave the meat and Bake until gold bars on the
wine bottles if you're thinking of them as much as you

but I will check and prospective students, if you're this river that war scale
If the units are to be greater due to the limitations of intensive magic attack, and there were a lot of them lack enough.

"where a piece to eat creatures play bringing to eat
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
The fate of the Dark Gamers Haven Allen Castle, the capital of the empire. place in the vast grounds of the Emperor's palace building work is achieved and the word was flat breadbasket Ray Bard of governance to push you away for re tteolchigi was to build a luxurious palace. "Gather artists and architects." Hermes Narrow your guild mates in the meantime about the art did not have. Weed after I informed Sculpture, guild level, some people raise the engraver was strategically. However, they only contain somehow dig out the ancient art sculptures than not. painter and engraver, and support for one moment disappeared, for example, more and more artists are leaving the kingdom of Haven went to the palace of the emperor, however, necessary in order to build their presence was calling because . "Tailoring the Imperial Palace and the loyalty of the people forced to raise taxes is an additional 2% will be able to earn more. " "surrendered to the soldiers in the war frills to send mine." rapeyi a leadership meeting in progress residents of the empire for squeezing out the series had various ideas. celebrates winning a war tax. Imperial construction tax. Arlen star in a temporary tax for maintenance. army marched taxes for the city. territorial expansion, according to the temporary tax. heard Weed showed admirable novel aspect opinion in beating knee came out. "LaSalle Dwarf Kingdom has quite a lot of their lives that that no amount of force seems to be caught and enslaved. " "Some riots taking place in the occupied territories. battling the problem security is impaired but not embinyu spreads out of the " Empire Haven is also spreading like wildfire damage embinyu was wearing. Hermes, but the top floor of the guild leadership is a big worry about him, did not impoverish the continent embinyu make people better, they took over the boundary while being a little less work can proceed. For the conquest of the land and then declare embinyu the civil war and also because they get planted. course of the war embinyu new nominal tax of course will require Heb. HERMES guild completely conquered the continent and I later found also to maintain the rigidity of exploitation by the army was going to go. ************ "bad guys." Hermes guild wars to cease to hear the news that as soon as the Weed I emerged from the bath instinctively. Something that is the upper limit will be noticed immediately nicety. "It's a trick something very bad. Anyway, the bad guys are because I do not believe it. " seongseonseol philosophers, the bad guy beyond seongakseol ulterior installed apsewoseo him know Bach seoyun Weed twist to the battle for the night was full grown. dungeons to hunt and obtain various materials, cooking skills is high on last year. - Intermediate 10 cooking skill level is changed by advanced cooking skills. ingredients in a delicate , pickled food, fermented food, dog dishes with minimal side effects and can create food can greatly improve the retention period. specializes in the manufacture of food can increase all stats by 20 points. dishes in return was able to be called. Which city to eat, go to be able to buy even a simple baked Bread was around. nogada the beginning of the performance is even greater than the incidence of late been the law. however Weed As with all anxiety about the future, too , had. "I can get a full pension, it is not a full, four security risks are also not applicable. retirement even when one does not quit. " deulyigo going so good right now, but the future is unknown. profession itself Like other freelance anxiety was not poisonous. too long ago Dark Gamers Union Best known Joe since the article number and echo times were recorded post. Title: I'm married, I tried to be someone who loves drinking buddies three years. yesterday father-in-law told you to say to meet you. , and I'm crying. girlfriend is up to it, but that's okay killing themselves eopneyo. Father-in-law and I had before I'll write a short story. "Well, now that you do something." "Yes, father-in-law. ever called Royal Road, you know?" "Yeah, I know it! out daily in newspapers and television, most recently the coolest Unicorn companies did it every year they are earned huge profits while Nada? employees' welfare can not imagine too much hyetek They said, yes, the unicorn did the company go, we are well hyoseon this is one man I met I did. " " No, not the Royal Road to the staff at the request of others to hunt or make money by selling items to be obtained. " "... yes, there is a little collection of money?" "little." "How many ? " "Now as I disposed of wear and the price of equipment at home probably will be available deposits and recent items in dock line around each tad prices continue to rise. " "..." "..." " hyoseon This can take him and do not suffer? " "Yes, work hard every day to get into the capsule 18 hours hagetseup Royal Road to be. " "..." in high school, went beyond the static reading. Do you know this sorrow? dark gamers can not but sympathize deulyiramyeon story. kind of services too, but introduced the world openly that did not luck. Job security, regular income, welfare benefits was the executive alike. Moreover, Hermes guild is so huge threat to the expansion respectively. guild Hermes Other users tejiman burdensome to the King of the Kingdom of Pen identity are feeling the pressure of the Weed more big. engraver About that time, even if the first job master Ray Bard guild is the center of the continent and Hermes then what does it mean to be unified would. northern army came to Empire Haven pen are you being trampled kingdom shall Weed is a lot of money buildings erected by investing broken, it will be made ​​use of Hermes guild accounts. Weed comes across such a service was tender heart. "Speed ​​sseurigo vase hospital continues to come out then I do not know." broadcast master, saying the first job Colorful lights received after the sudden crash! Weed can not worry about that situation was that you do not. "are pen Kingdom's my rice bowl." With love for a bowl of the South was different. neighborhood dogs can not even his neombol Bowl! "method must arrange to keep the bowl-ass." threat in any way are able to keep a pen kingdom. "Master and'll have to ask for the death penalty to" close the original people left the more difficult to pass . Place on Friday dedicated to the flask burned for meat and not at all if you think that will do then. , but it Geomchi and practitioners are able to hold the river, it's a war scale , the larger the unit, such as magic attacks due to intensive face limits were. them alone lacked a lot. "Where to eat a piece of life to bringing play pamper eat forever banned.

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
It is a great gamer's fate of the empire back to top
, Ben capital city Rennes. Top
here in the vast land of the Imperial Palace architecture operation back to top
was done. back to top
flat breadbasket Hyderabad pushed off Ray's rule, thank you to shake decided to build a luxurious palace. back to top
"artists and architects to gather "Top
mercury in art guild, unwilling to admit top
. back to top
Hagrid, I'm drunk piece, after a few people in the Guild back to top
The strategically Kinkakuji (The bearing. However, they are back to top
the sculptures of what the excavation of the ancient artwork. back to top
back to top
than Kinkakuji (The artist and the support at any moment disappeared, and the wine back to top
For example, Ben left in the kingdom. back to top
but more and more of the Imperial Palace, needed to build the top
fit calling him. back to top
"Imperial Palace, and the loyalty and forced to pay taxes, top
is an additional 2 percent increase will be able to." back to top
soldiers who surrendered in the war "to send them to the mines. Top
, Faye was the leadership meeting, the residents of the Empire to squeeze back to top
a variety of ideas have continued to occur. back to top
war memorial victory tax. back to top
Imperial Palace Construction Tax. back to top
, Renton, facilities for temporary maintenance tax. Top
army marched through the streets of taxes. back to top
extending territories, the temporary tax. back to top
Hagrid would have admired his knees, and fresh ideas. back to top
back to top
"The kingdom of heaven there Tauren are pretty much.Back to top
he forced work as a slave, and will be as follows: "Top
"some riots have broken out in the occupied territory. The top
riot do not matter, but the security is humbled m non-new denominations, for spreading the operative. back to top
back to top
"Ben, Empire, too, like a fire, spreading the new denomination M on top
. She was wearing a However, the top leaders of the Hermes' guild back to top
about his concern. back to top
m non-new denominations, for degradation of the continent, as they top
the boundaries of the occupation, and a little less can proceed. Back to top
land-conquered and then M-min by declaring a war against the New Church plant back to top
can. back to top
m, of course, the war with new order, a new nominal taxes, back to top
course would require. back to top
mercury in the Guild of the Continent after completely conquered the top
also a strong armies, and users are going to exploitation. Top
* * * * * * * * * * * * top
"bad guys." back to top
Hermes guild decided to stop the war news Top
as soon as the mouth of the Weedpatch instinctively from the bath. something fishy this top
upper right periphery. Top
"something very good fishy motives. In any case, bad guys can't believe what you want." back to top
the innate philosophers, vocal music theory that goes beyond bad fishy motives, the Lunar New Year! Top
Weedpatch standing with him, I don't know Yun fighting back to top
Park crossed the solid growth. back to top
former hunting, and various ingredients, the guy who can get it for you,Back to top
finally, advanced cooking skills. back to top
back to top
- intermediate level of cooking skills in the 10 miles of change in advanced cooking. back to top
food ingredients, a difficult one, Im v. cooking, fermentation, cooking with poison dishes from top
to minimize the side effects, you can create the retention period for food back to top
You can increase significantly. back to top
professional cooking to manufacture. back to top
I stat of 20 points each. Top
cuisine called for in. back to top
One city and even a simple bread baking can make a living at the top
. back to top
construction laborer, in the second half than in its early days, the result, made it even more salience. back to top
back to top
but the Weedpatch everyone worries about the future, as well. back to top
back to top
"I regularly receive pensions, could it be that, it is not just a four at the top
roads, it wouldn't apply to. His retirement, there is not even any time. back to top
now profitable to earn, but I don't know the future. back to top
Job itself is another free Renton, was uneasy. back to top
not long ago, I posted on the gamer Union since the top
the best record and echo postings. back to top
back to top
title: I wanted to get married. back to top
3 years woman. Top
yesterday, father-in-law, but I'd like to see you, I. Top
and I'm in tears as I write this. back to top
girlfriend was over he said, "It's okay to themselves, but I can't stand back to top
.father-in-law and I had written a short story. back to top
"Yeah, you're doing what you're doing something on "Top
"Yes, father-in-law. If the load, do you know top
"Every know! The daily newspapers and television, and most recently, the most successful companies are back to top
"unicorn. annual revenue earned through the raw top
I said? Employees of the welfare benefits, Symantec can't imagine enough Alhambra, yes, back to top
unicorn was in the investigation. Lee Hyo-seon, we are one of the men had met properly. back to top
I don't think so. Employees are not open to the load, while the other people's request, or back to top
hunt, and the items to sell the money. back to top
"... yes, you have the money together? "Top
"a little bit. back to top
"How often are you "Top
"I'm wearing the equipment at the market price, perhaps to dispose of the house deposit back to top
can be obtained. And the recent poison to the integral items are price-top
and I have continued to rise. back to top
"... "Top
"... " back to top
If you take "Hyo Seon is hard, we will be able? "Top
"Yes. 18 hours per day in the capsule into the hard to load, which we'll top
"... "Top
high school attended a reading room is static. This sorrow? ㅜ, if gamers does not share a good story. back to top
a kind of service, but openly world to the top
worth seeing. job security, regular income, welfare benefits, Lee back to top
. back to top
Besides the expansion of Hermes' guild so back to top
a huge threat. back to top
other users, guild, Hermes, Le Pen back to top
I have to burden of the kingdom are King Hagrid was feeling the pressure. back to top
more jobs from each company. back to top
The Master for the first time around that time, even if Javad Ray top
and Hermes' guild meets central continent, and what is the use if reunification back to top
. back to top
the army of the empire, Ben, Le Pen came to the North kingdom shall destroy the top
back to top
Hagrid with large amounts of money by investing in buildings that have been crushed, top
mercury in the Guild, and will use the Weedpatch. back to top
get on the other side, the heart is tender. back to top
"Three speed, and vase, and medical bills are still bargained for. back to top
Broadcasting's first career as a "Master, after the sharp fall back to top
back to top
! The galaxies, but I'm not going to worry about it, you can have been violating the. back to top
"kingdom of Le Pen, my rice bowl. back to top
Weedpatch affection for the rice bowl is marginalized. back to top
Even neighborhood Puppies are strong candidate of his tit-for-tat! back to top
"how to keep the rice bowl to prepare "any threat to the kingdom of Le Pen, in a way that will protect yourselves. back to top
"teacher and executions to ask them to do it. back to top
the original "hard thing to accomplish, giving the best people. Back to top
gold-baked until it, and who has devoted her bottles, but if you think back to top
how much, then. back to top
black, but she insisted that the students are strong, it's the size of war back to top
If the unit has, the stronger because of the attacks, including an intensive magic back to top
limits. back to top
they lacked a lot. back to top
"where idle pieces brought life to handle?
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