회원정보가입 및 탈퇴로그인 이용로그인 오류아이디/비밀번호 찾기내정보 관리내정보 보호아이핀/마이핀보호조치법인회원폰번호 아이디이메 translation - 회원정보가입 및 탈퇴로그인 이용로그인 오류아이디/비밀번호 찾기내정보 관리내정보 보호아이핀/마이핀보호조치법인회원폰번호 아이디이메 English how to say

회원정보가입 및 탈퇴로그인 이용로그인 오류아이디/비밀번호 찾기내


가입 및 탈퇴
로그인 이용
로그인 오류
아이디/비밀번호 찾기
내정보 관리
내정보 보호
폰번호 아이디
이메일 아이디
카카오계정으로 로그인
내정보 관리22개 도움말전체 조회순 만족순
[내정보 관리] 아이디를 변경하고 싶어요. 어떻게 해야 하나요?
[내정보 관리] 회원정보를 변경하려면 어떻게 하나요?
[내정보 관리] 생년월일, 성별 정보는 어디서 확인할 수 있나요?
[내정보 관리] 이름/생년월일/성별 수정은 왜 1회만 가능한가요?
[내정보 관리] 최신 연락처를 등록하라는 페이지가 나와요.
[내정보 관리] 실명확인을 하고 싶어요.
[내정보 관리] 개명한 이름으로 내정보에서 변경하고 싶어요.
본인확인수단이 없는 경우, 실명확인 방법을 알려주세요.
2014년 8월 7일부터 공공기관과 민간사업자는 법령상의 근거없이 주민등록번호를 수집할 수 없습니다.

Daum에서는 본인 명의 휴대폰 확인 또는 아이핀 또는 마이핀을
통해 주민등록번호를 대신하여 본인임을 확인 할 수 있습니다.

마이핀(My-PIN) 이란?

온라인상에서의 본인확인은 아이핀(I-PIN)또는 본인명의 휴대폰을 통해 확인 가능하며,
오프라인 본인확인 수단인 마이핀(My-PIN)은 온라인상에서 사용하실 수 없습니다.

다만, 외국인인 경우에는 아래 안내에 따라 본인확인이 가능합니다.

1. 국내거주 외국인인 경우 (외국인등록번호가 있는 경우)
- 외국인등록번호가 있고, 국내거주 외국인이라면 본인이 외국인등록번호로 실명확인이 가능합니다.
- 본인명의 휴대폰이 있거나 아이핀이 있는 경우 웹상에서 실명확인을 진행할 수 있습니다.

내정보 서비스에서 실명확인 하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

1) Daum 첫화면에서 로그인 후, 로그인 박스안의 우측 상단에 위치한 [내정보]을 클릭해 주세요.
2) 내정보 홈에서 상단 메뉴 중 [내정보 관리]를 클릭해 주세요.
3) 본인확인을 위해 비밀번호를 한번 더 입력해 주세요.
4) 이름/연령확인에서 [실명확인] 버튼을 클릭해 주세요.
5) 실명확인 완료 후 본인확인 정보를 저장하는 데에 동의해 주세요.
6) 본인 명의 인증 수단 중 휴대폰 인증 또는 아이핀 인증을 선택해 주세요.
7) 본인 명의 인증에 성공하면 실명확인 절차가 모두 완료됩니다.

내정보 관리 바로가기

2. 해외 거주 외국인인 경우 (외국인등록번호가 없는 경우)
- 여권사본 또는 해외 신분증을 통해 이름/생년월일/성별 정보로만 실명확인이 가능합니다.
- 고객센터를 통해 실명확인이 필요한 아이디와 여권사본 또는 해외 신분증을 첨부하여 보내주시면 24시간(영업일 기준)
이내로 확인한 후 실명확인을 진행하겠습니다.
- 본인확인 서류를 접수 시 이름은 대문자로 신분증에 나와 있는 이름과 동일하게(중간 이름 포함) 입력해 주세요.
- 여권 정보 또는 해외 신분증을 통해 실명확인된 경우, 일부 서비스의 운영정책에 따라 이용에 제한이 있을 수 있습니다.

고객센터 문의하기

위 도움말에 만족하셨나요?
매우불만MY 저장
[내정보 관리] 실명확인 중 휴대폰 인증을 하면, 명의 정보가 일치하지 않는다고 합니다.
[내정보 관리] 실명 회원이란 무엇인가요?
이전 게시물 없음 1 2 3 다음
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Member informationSubscription and unsubscriptionGuest log inLogin errorFind ID/passwordMy information managementProtect my informationEye pin/my PINProtective measuresCorporate MemberPhone number IDEmail IDCacao account loginRegulatory reportMy information management 22 help a satisfied the entire lookup NET NET[My information management] ID you want to change. What should I do?[Information management] how can I change my membership information?[Information management] where can I find information on date of birth, gender?[My information management] name/date of birth/sex fix why only one?[My information management] called to register the latest contact details page.[Information management] want to check blindness.[My information management] changes in the information within a civilized as the name makes me want to.If you do not have a means of identification, please let me know how to check the real name.August 7-2014 public agencies and private operators without social security numbers based on the Statute and cannot collect. Daum, make sure your mobile phone registered in your name or PIN or pins On behalf of the applicant through a social security number, you can verify that.Eye pin (I-PIN) Iran?Mai pin (My-PIN) Iran? The identification of the child-PIN online (I-PIN) or you can check it via cell phone and registered in your name,Offline means of identification Mai pin (My-PIN) can not be used online. However, in the case of foreigners, according to secret instructions below.1. domestic and foreign residents (alien registration number if you have one)-Alien registration number, and if you are a foreigner residing foreigner registration number blindness.-If your phone is registered in your name, or if the child pins on the Web, you can check the real name.For more information about how to determine the real name in the my information services are as follows:After you login, login from the main one) Daum box located in the upper right corner within [my], please click.Among the top menu at home my info) 2 [information management].3) confirm the password to enter once more. 4) name/age verification [blindness], please click on the button. After the completion of the identification check 5) blindness to store information, please accept.6) among the mobile phone authentication method or registered in your name for kids please choose the PIN authentication. 7) check the authentication is successful, the applicant will complete all the procedures in blindness.My information management shortcuts2. If you are an overseas resident alien (alien registration number)-A copy of passport or ID name/date of birth/sex abroad, only blindness.-Customer Center via blindness requiring ID and a copy of passport or identity card overseas, please send us your 24 hours (business days) After you have verified the blindness within OK.-Personal identification documents: name is the same as the name in upper case identification (middle name).-Passport information or overseas if LDS through blindness, some restrictions on the use of the service's operational policy.Customer service contact usSatisfied with the above tips?Very satisfiedSatisfactionUsuallyComplaintsSave MY very dissatisfiedFolding[My information management] checking mobile phone authentication, of blindness information does not match.[Information management] blindness Member Iran?Previous post: None 1 2 3 nextIf you find your answer, please contact Customer Service Center contact usTerms/policy | Contact us | Games contact us | Shopping contact us | Search ad DDN | Local advertisingCopyright © Kakao Corp. All rights reserved.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Profile subscribe and unsubscribe login using login error Username / Password Forgot your Information Management within the Information Security ahyipin / Mai pin protection Corporate Membership phone number ID email ID Log in with cacao account Report Notice managing my information 22 help the entire johoesun satisfied with the order I want to change the My Information Management ID. What should I do? How do I change the My Information Management Profile? Can I check the My Information Management - date of birth, gender information from? Can My Information Management name / date of birth / gender modification is why once? [ My Information Management brings out a page prompting you to register your latest contact details. I want to [My Info Management blindness OK. My Information Management I want to change in the information in a civilized name. If I do not have confirmation means, blindness How to Verify Please inform. 2014 year from August 7, public institutions and private companies will not be able to collect Social Security numbers without grounds the decree. In Daum and I had the phone confirmed or ahyipin or My Pins on behalf of the social security number over can confirm that I You. ahyipin (I-PIN) What is it? My pin (My-PIN) What is it? I checked on-line shall be checked through a ahyipin (I-PIN) or your name mobile phones, offline identity verification means the Mai-pin (My -PIN) is not available online. However, if a foreign national, you can verify your identity by following the instructions below: 1. If foreigners residing in (if you have alien registration numbers) - Alien registration number, and foreigners residing in Korea. If I have this blindness check is available to the alien registration number - blindness check on the web if the person who phones or with ahyipin You may proceed. How to determine blindness in the information services are as follows. 1) Daum after logging on the first screen, please click [My Info] located in the upper right corner in the login box. 2) at the top of the My Home Please click on the My Information Administration of the menu. 3) Please further enter the password again for your OK. 4) Name / Age verification please click blindness OK button. 5) I then blindness Done Please agree to store identifying information. 6) Please select a phone authentication or ahyipin authentication of your name authentication methods. 7) If successful, your name authentication will complete all real name verification procedures. within the Information Management shortcut 2. If the foreign resident alien (If you do not have an Alien Registration Number) - Through a copy of your passport or foreign ID name / date of birth / gender information only real name verification is possible - the real name verification required ID and copy of passport or foreign ID card through the Customer Center and please attach sent 24 hours (business day) after confirming or less will progress to blindness OK. - When receiving a personal identification document name, please enter the same as the name shown in the identity card with a capital letter (including middle name) - Passport If the information or confirmation blindness through the international identification, and some services may be of a limited use in accordance with the operating policies. Contact us Contact Did you satisfied with the above Help? very satisfied satisfied normal complaints very dissatisfied MY storage Fold My Information Management ] When the phone certification of blindness OK, who the information is not consistent. My Information Management blindness Member What is it? Previous posts 1 2 3 Next If you do not find what you were seeking answers to inquiries, please contact the Customer Service Terms / Policies | Become an Affiliate | Games Contact Us | Shop Contact | Search ads DDN | Local advertising Copyright © Kakao Corp. All rights reserved.

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
membership information, access and exit, log

of the login / password. the idea for the show, to the management, protection, the key is the value of the protection of birds, or the number of times, the ideas, the idea of mail, cocoa account login, the 공지사항 to see this, the management can satisfy the query of 22 months, according to [the] to change management ideas. what should i do? [the], to management of information, how to change? the management of birth, see [].gender information which can confirm it. at the bottom of the name, date of birth, gender,] show how a only. [the], see the latest address control register "pages. [the], that in it management. the management of it, [] a name in the name change. that is, it means, 실명확. the method, please let me know.from the beginning of august 7, 2014 years of public and private law work, it is the collection of identity card number can not be Daum.

, i confirmed the phone or the name of the card, or is the resident registration number 대신하여 can confirm this..

(i - pin, the pin is.
a (My - pin) is open.

on the internet that he is the child of the (i - pin) or you can phone to confirm the name of the,,this means that a line card (My - pin) on the internet can not use the

but foreigners. according to the guide, is it possible to test.

1. in domestic and foreign, alien registration number, if there are any)
- alien registration number, if the number of foreigners in your alien registration number can be confirmed.
- i of the mobile phone or the web 아이핀, the real name confirmation will be carried out

.the service in that it is in the way as follows.

1) in the first screen Daum login, login box on the upper right corner of the mouse button to see [the].
2) at the top of the menu in the 내정보 click management]. i
3). in order to confirm the password, please enter again.
4) name / age [in that] button to check in on it. in the end, 5) confirm, confirm whether the information is stored, agree.6) if her name in the certificate or the certificate of the mobile phone in the authentication.
7) your name, real name authentication success to confirm all completed.

it's internal management is to
2. living abroad, foreign, alien registration number, if not, a copy of overseas passport, identity card, or the name, date of birth, sex, the only real name confirmation information, is possible.the customer center through a real name confirmation is required. a passport or id card and the copy, and sent overseas, with 24 hours (business days within that standard), after confirmation by the blind.
- to confirm whether the document is the name of the id card to register capital i have the same name (middle name, including input.
- a foreign identity card information or through a real name confirmation of service, operating in accordance with the policy of 제한이 can

.the customer center,

in order to help meet.

the satisfied very satisfied, very unhappy with my memory, folding, [the] and in the management of mobile phone to confirm the authentication, the information is not the same. in fact, the management of it [is]? previously published articles, no 1, 2, 3, then do you want to find the answer. please contact the customer to query terms, with the | / policy and the | | game | shopping search advertising, local advertising, DDN |Kakao of copyright © Corp. all rights reserved.
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