당신의 브라 우 니,

당신의 브라 우 니, "Jawanna 짖는 마리아에로 그녀는 간

당신의 브라 우 니, "Jawanna 짖는 마리아에로 그녀는 간이 식당에서 그녀를 towered 하자. 마리아는 그녀의 브라 우 니 Jawanna를 주고 싶지 않았다. 그녀 자신을 위해 그것을 먹고 싶어 하지만 Jawanna 학년에도 사나운, 가장 큰 여자 이었고 마리아는 가장 작은 중 하나 였다. 병 동 Jawanna 슬라이딩, 마리아 replied,"sure,Jawanna.I 아니 먹을 거 그것 anyway.after Jawanna 왼쪽, 마리아의 친구 제시카 설정, 그녀를 향해"왜 안 당신이 그녀에 게 어딘가에?" 마리아 한숨 아픈 그녀의 복 부에 느낌과 대답 했다, "오른쪽, 예 하 고 두드리고 얻을? 감사 합니다." 제시카는 그녀의 친구의 어깨, 주위 "봐 마리아, 자신을 위해, Jawanna 스틱 하지 마십시오 경우 것입니다 당신의 오랜 시간 동안 먹고." 그녀의 팔을 넣어 마리아는 잠시 제시카의 조언을 고려 하 고 응답, "음, 브라 우 니는 쪄 어쨌든. 어쩌면 만약 내가 그녀에 게 충분 한 디저트, 그녀 거 야 그녀의 동맥을 췄 다 고 심장 마비를가지고. " 여자 들이 웃었다 그러나 마리아 아직도 느꼈다 아픈 그녀의 위장.
다음 날 학교에서 Jawanna을 걷고 있었는데 연필 깎이 때 그녀는 마리아는 기계적인 연필을 사용 하 여 지은 것으로 나타났습니다. " 이 봐, 마리아, 그 연필 잡아 보자. " 마리아 그녀의 기계에서 아래를 보 니 pencil.it 고양이, 고 별 그것에 그녀 처럼 아주 많이. 그녀는 대답 했다, "난 할 수 없어, Jawanna.It의 내 마지막 하나." 고 려 한 손으로 그녀의 엉덩이, 마리아에 sneered 말했다, "잘, 당신은 그것을 사용 하는 것은 꽤 했는데. 내가 없어 불공평 하다 보면 all.can't에서 그것을 사용 하 여 "? 마리아 마 셨 어, "음, 1 년, 내가 볼 수 있는 것 같아요. 여기, 지금, 그것을 사용할 수 있습니다 하지만 어쩌면 내가 얻을 수 없습니다 그것은 다시, 하루의 끝에 "대답 했다 마리아로 그녀는 그녀의 연필 Jawanna 손으로. Jawanna 사용 기계적인 연필에서 고양이와 그것에 별 마리아 싼 나무 pencil.when 벨 사용 하는 동안 하루의 끝 울렸다, Jawanna 마리아의 연필 몇 조각에 들어온 그녀의 책상에 그것을 떨어 뜨 때까지. " 여기에 당신의 연필이입니다. 그것은 작동 하지 않습니다, "Jawanna 말했다, 그녀가 떠난 그녀의 아줌마를 다시 들고.

Results (Korean) 2:
내가 당신의 브라우니를하자, "그녀는 Jawanna 그녀의 brownie.She가 자신을 위해 그것을 먹고 싶어주고 싶지 않은 lunchroom.Maria 그녀의 위에 우뚝 솟은로 Jawanna 마리아에 짖었지만 Jawanna 또한 등급과에서 가장 큰 여자였다 비열한, 그리고 마리아, 마리아, "확실히, Jawanna.I이 anyway.after Jawanna 마리아의 친구 제시카가 그녀의 방향 설정, 왼쪽을 먹을 거 없습니다"대답 Jawanna을 밀어 수있는 smallest.Sliding 중 하나에게하지 않았다 왜 어디 가서 그녀에게하지? "마리아는, 한숨을 내 쉬었다 그녀의 뱃속에 아픈 느낌과 대답"그래, 오른쪽과 두드리고 얻을? 더 감사합니다. 마리아를보고 "제시카는 그녀의 친구의 어깨, 주위에 그녀의 팔을 넣어", 당신은 충실하지 않는 경우 자신을위한 최대 Jawanna 오랫동안 당신이 떨어져 먹는 것입니다. "마리아는 잠시 제시카의 조언을 고려하고, 반응"잘, 브라우니 내가 그녀의 충분한 디저트를 제공하는 경우, 그녀가 막히게됩니다 anyway.Maybe를 비육된다 그녀의 동맥과 심장 마비가 있습니다. "여자들이에 킬킬 웃었다 그러나 마리아는 여전히 그녀의 뱃속에 아픈 느꼈다.
학교에서 다음날, Jawanna는 연필 깎이로 걷고을 그녀는 마리아가 샤프 펜슬을 사용하는 것을 발견 할 때."이봐, 마리아 , 내가 그 연필을 보유 할 수 있습니다. "마리아는 그녀의 기계 pencil.it에서 아래를 보니 고양이 한테는 있었다, 그리고 그녀에 별은 매우 much.She이 대답처럼"나는 할 수 없습니다 Jawanna.It의 마지막 하나를. "싶어 넣어를 한 손으로 그녀의 엉덩이에, 마리아 냉소, 그리고 말했다, "음, 당신이 울다가 당신이 불공평 참조 all.can't에서 그것을 사용하는 없어 매우 그것을 사용하는 쪘?"마리아는 마셨어 그녀는 Jawanna을 물려으로 "음, 년, 당신이 지금 사용할 수 있습니다, 내가 that.Here을 볼 수 있습니다 생각하지만, 어쩌면 내가 하루의 끝에서 다시 얻을 수 없다"마리아가 대답 그녀의 pencil.Jawanna가 사용되는 마리아는 Jawanna 여러 조각으로 마리아의 연필을 통해 가져오고 그녀의 책상에 떨어졌다, 종소리가 울렸다 싼 나무 pencil.when를 사용하면서 하루를 마감 할 때까지 그것에 고양이 한테는과 별과 기계적인 연필. "여기 pencil.It 년대의 작동하지 않는, "Jawanna 그녀가 떠날 때 그녀의 웃음을 다시 잡고 말했다.
Results (Korean) 3:
네, 초콜릿 좀 jawanna 마리아 "짖다. 그녀는 우뚝 마리아는 그 식당 주고 싶지 않다. jawanna 그녀의 노릇노릇. 그녀는 혼자 먹을 수 있지만, jawanna 중 가장 큰 여자 품위, 아직 낮았다, 마리아는 최소 한 jawanna 미끄럼 병실. 마리아" 그래, jawanna. 나 안 먹어 anyway.after jawanna 왼쪽, 마리아 친구 제시카 몸을 돌려 그녀는 "왜 안 불러도 어디 있어요?"마리아는 한숨을 아픈 그녀의 위, "그래, 갑자기?아니요. "(jessica 팔로 그녀의 친구의 어깨 좀," 마리아, 너 자신을 변호하기 위해 것이다, jawanna 밥 너 오래. "(jessica 의견은 잠시 대답을" 그래, 케이크, 식사와 어쨌든. 혹시 나는 그녀에게 충분한 보낼 때, 그녀는 막히다, 그녀의 동맥 심장병 웃었다. "이 여자 이 마리아는 여전히 그녀의 배가 불편해.

다음날 학교, jawanna 지금 가는 연필 깎는 것을 쓸 때, 그녀는 마리아 기계 연필. 야, 마, 나 잠깐만 연필. "마리아 고개를 숙이고 그녀의 기계 pencil.it 이미 고양이, 별 것, 그녀는 매우 좋아한다. 그녀가 말했다." 내가 할 수 없다. jawanna. 이건 내 마지막. "하고 한 손으로 그녀의 엉덩이, 비웃어 마리아" 그래, 너 너무 사용 있다. 나는 그것을 모든. 너 못 불공평한? "마리아는 메다, "아, 해, 나 볼 수 있다. 여기, 사용할 수 있지만, 내가 지금 어떻게 그것을 다시 마지막 날," 마리아 그녀는 건넸다. jawanna 그녀의 연필 자동 연필. jawanna 쓰는 이 고양이, 별 때까지 마리아는 데 하루 한 싸구려 나무 pencil.when 종소리가 울렸다. jawanna 마리아는 연필 가져온 몇 개를 던져 그녀의 책상 위에. "너 연필. 아니, 작업 "jawanna 말하고 손에 그녀의 웃고 떠났다.
From: Korean
To: English
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Jawanna barking your Brownies, "Maria as she let her towered in the lunchroom. Maria gave her Brownies Jawanna did not want to. She wants to eat it for ourselves, but also in the wild, most women Jawanna grade and Maria was one of the smallest. Ward replied, "sure, sliding, Maria Jawanna Jawanna.I not going to eat it, set the left, Mary's friend Jessica anyway.after Jawanna, towards her" why don't you give her somewhere? "Maria feels sick to her stomach sighing replied," right, for example, and get pounded? Thank you very much. "Jessica look around her friend's shoulder," Maria, don't stick for themselves, if your Jawanna for a long time. "she put the arms of Maria and considering the advice of the moment Jessica reply," well, fattening Brownie anyway. Maybe if I give her enough dessert, she'll clog the arteries and heart attack of her. "I felt sick and the girls laughed, but Maria still in her stomach.The next day at school, when she was walking to a pencil sharpener Jawanna Mary is a mechanical pencil. "Hey, Mary, let that pencil." Maria looked down from her machine pencil.it cat, and rated it just like her very much. She replied, "I can't do that, and my last one of the Jawanna.It." on the one hand to her hip, Maria sneered and said, "well, you've been using it quite a bit. I don't look at it's unfair to use it in all.can't "? Maria gulped, "well, 1-year, as far as I can see, I guess. Here, now, you can use it but maybe I can't get it back, at the end of the day, "replied Mary as she handed her the pencil Jawanna. Use a mechanical pencil in cats and it Jawanna rated Maria cheap wood pencil.when bell rang at the end of the day, while using some pieces come into Mary's pencil Jawanna she dropped it on the desk of. "Here is your pencil. It won't work, "said, she left her aunt Jawanna holding back. Results (Korean) 2:I let your Brownies, "she Jawanna her brownie. She wants to eat it for himself, did not want to give the lunchroom. Maria as her towering above Jawanna Maria barking, but it was also the largest in the women's ratings, Jawanna despicable, and Maria, Maria, "to be sure, Jawanna.I this anyway.after by Jessica and her friends of Mary Jawanna direction, left, is not going to eat" can push the smallest Jawanna answer. Did not make it to one of the Sliding, why not tell her where to go? "Maria, sighed as she felt sick in the stomach of the answer" Yes, that's right and get pounded? More thank you. Looking at Mary, "Jessica is her friend's shoulder, put her arms around", you don't stick up for yourself if you will be eating off a long time Jawanna. "Maria is considering the advice of the moment Jessica, response to" well, Brownies and desserts offered her enough, she will be stuck anyway. Maybe it is non-flesh, her arteries and heart failure. "The girls in sniggered, but Maria felt her stomach is still sore. At school the next day, walk into the Pencil Sharpener Jawanna she Mary sharp pencil when I discovered the use of. " Hey Maria, I can hold a pencil. "Maria looked down from her machine pencil.it kitties, and she rated it very much. She answered, "I can't do Jawanna.It's last one. "I want to put one hand on her hip, Maria cynicism, and said," well, you see where you wilt the unfair all.can't don't have to use it in a very fat to use it? " Maria gulped she inherited "Jawanna well, years, you can use right now, I'm that. You can see Here, but maybe I can get back to you at the end of the day, "Mary answered her pencil. Jawanna used Maria Maria gets through several pieces of pencil Jawanna her desk fell, the bell rang at the end of the day while using cheap hardwood pencil.when til it kitties and stars and a mechanical pencil. "Here's a pencil. It's not working, "Jawanna she hold back her laughter when I leave, he said.Results (Korean) 3:Yes, chocolate bark little jawanna Maria ". She don't want to give that restaurant, stands Mary. Jawanna her golden. She can be eaten alone, but one of the biggest women's dignity, yet jawanna lower, sliding the room at least one jawanna, Mary. Maria "Yes, jawanna. I don't eat anyway.after and turn your body to the left, Maria jawanna friend Jessica she said, "why don't you call?" Maria sighed sick in her stomach, "Yes, all of a sudden? No." (Jessica get her friend's shoulder and arms, "Maria, to defend yourself, jawanna Bob long. "(Jessica comments for a while answer" Yes, cake, eat and anyway. I send you will ever have enough, she just laughed her artery, heart disease. "This woman is Maria still has her stomach uncomfortable.The next day in school, will write the pencil now jawanna shearing, she is Maria mechanical pencil. Hey, wait a minute, or a pencil. "Maria bowed her machine pencil.it is already very fond of cats, and the stars, she said. She said, "I can't do it. jawanna. This is my last. "On the one hand on her hip, laugh at the Maria" Yes, you are used too. I have it all. You are not unfair? "Mary Medley," Oh, I can see. Here, although you can use, I now how to get it back to the last day, "Maria she is ness. Jawanna her pencil, automatic pencil. Jawanna writing cats, rated to day cheap wood until Maria pencil.when the bell rang. Throw a few out of the pencil jawanna Maria brought her on the desk. "Your pencil. No, it's not working "telling left her hands smiling jawanna.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Let towered her in your brownies, "Jawanna a barking Maria She eateries. Maria did not want to give her a brownie Jawanna. I want to eat it for herself, but ferocious to Jawanna year, the largest Mary was a woman, was one of the smallest. Jawanna sliding ward, Mary replied, "sure, Jawanna.I not going to eat it anyway.after Jawanna left, a friend of Jessica Mary set up, toward her," Why do not you have her you somewhere? " Mary replied with a sigh was sick feeling in her stomach, "right, for example, and get pounded? Thanks." Jessica shoulders, around her friend, "Hey Mary, for myself, Jawanna will stick if you do not eat while you're in a long time." Her put his arm Mary was considered the advice of the moment, Jessica and replied, "Well, brownies fattening anyway. Maybe if I'll have enough to her dessert, I she is chwot her arteries a high heart attack with "the girls laughed, but she still felt sick in the stomach Mary
was walking to school when the pencil sharpener Jawanna the next day she noticed that Mary was built using a mechanical pencil. "Hey, Maria, let's grab that pencil." Mary beam down at her machine you pencil.it cats, and stars she very much like it. She replied, "I can not do that, one of my last Jawanna.It." He said, trying with one hand on her hip sneered, Mary, "Well, you're not using it in using it was pretty. It is not fair that I do not look all.can't"? Maria town laid uh, "Well, one year, I think you can see here, now, you can use it, but maybe I can not get it back, at the end of the day," replied Mary, as she is of her pencil Jawanna hand to. In Jawanna use mechanical pencils to each cat and Mary went off the end of the day, while using inexpensive wood pencil.when bell, when it dropped on her desk came a few pieces of pencil Maria Jawanna it. "This is your pencil here, it does not work," said Jawanna, she left her aunt holding back.

Results (Korean) 2:
Let me your brownies, "she Jawanna her brownie.She the Jawanna barked at it towering over her as Mary did not want to give lunchroom.Maria want to take for himself, but also Jawanna was the biggest woman in the ratings mean, and Maria, Maria, "sure, Jawanna.I the anyway.after Jawanna friend of Jessica Mary set her direction, not going to eat on the left, "Why did not you go to one of smallest.Sliding where you can push the Jawanna not answer her?" Mary, he sighed on her stomach feeling sick and answers "and yeah, right, and knocking to get? better. reporting to Mary," Jessica put her arm on his shoulder, around her friend, "If you do not stick long up to Jawanna for yourself this will eat away. "If Mary was a moment consider the advice of Jessica, the reaction" well, I offer her enough brownie dessert is finishing her anyway.Maybe you are stuck her arteries and heart attack. "chuckled the girls but Mary still felt sick to her stomach.
when the next day at school, Jawanna is that she is Mary geotgoeul pencil sharpener find that using a sharp pencil," Hey, Maria, I'm his pencil you can have. "Mary was hanteneun looked down at her machine pencil.it cat, and she is very like the stars much.She replied," I can not be the last one Jawanna.It. "I want to put your hand on her hip, cool, Maria, and said, "Well, you've gotten that I do not cry that you use it in a very unfair to see all.can't use it?" she gulped Mary Jawanna to be handed to Maria: "Well, years, you can use it now, I can see the that.Here idea, but maybe I can not get back at the end of the day," Mary answered her pencil.Jawanna use Jawanna imported into pieces of a pencil through Mary fell to her desk, kitties and stars mechanical pencil with it until the bell rang pencil.when use cheap wood at the end of the day. Said, "Here's pencil.It does not work," Jawanna when she left her holding back laughter.
Results (Korean) 3:
. Yes, a little chocolate jawanna Mary "Mary was tall bark, she does not want to give the restaurant . jawanna her browned. While she can eat alone, one of the biggest women jawanna dignity, yet lower, Mary least one sliding jawanna room. Maria "Yeah, jawanna. I do not eat anyway.after jawanna left, and friend Mary returned to her body, Jessica "Why should I call you anywhere?" Mary above her painful sigh, "Yes, all of a sudden? No." (Jessica Palo shoulder of her friend little, "Mary, you will to defend ourselves, jawanna Bob a long time. you" (jessica opinion answered, "Yes, cakes, meals and anyway a while. have I time enough to send her, she stuck, her arteries laughed heart disease. "this woman is Mary still uncomfortable with her tummy in.

when the next school, jawanna use to go a pencil shave now, she is Maria mechanical pencil. Hey, do, or wait a pencil." bowed Mary looked her machine pencil.it cat already, will star, she is very fond of. she said, "I can not. jawanna. This is my last," and one hand on her hip, Maria laughed, "Yes, you can use too. I have it all. you can not see unfair? "Mary Madinah," Oh, sea, or here, can be used, but the last day I do it again now, "Maria she handed. jawanna her pencil automatic pencil . jawanna writing this cat, stars Maria de rang a bell pencil.when cheap wood until the day. jawanna Mary threw a few imported pencils on her desk, "you pencils. No job" jawanna talking to her hands the left laughing.
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
i love you, "said maria Jawanna is in her towered her in the cafeteria. mary is her bra, Jawanna you didn"t want to. she wanted to go for it, but Jawanna grade is fierce, the greatest woman. mary is the smallest one. in order to Jawanna disease, maria replied, "sure, Jawanna. i do not need to Jawanna left it anyway. after maria"s configuration, jessica, her" why don"t you give her somewhere. " mary and her a feeling of pain in the right side and replied, "yes, and knock to come. thanks. "jessica and her friend"s arm around me," mary, herself, and the Jawanna, please don"t worry. you eat for a long time. "her arm into a maria jessica"s advice and taking into account the response"., the, is, like. maybe if she had dessert, she put her up to the artery and heart failure. " girls laughed, but maria still felt sick to her stomach.the next day at school, on Jawanna, pencil, she is maria mechanical pencil made use of this time. " hey, mary, holding the pencil. " maria and her from the machine, the pencil. it stars, and it is very much like her. she answered, "i can"t do, Jawanna. it"s the last one." on one hand on her hip, maria sneered said, "good, you use it is very. i am not dry at all. can "t use it in here". mary, don"t you, "the year i can see. here, you can use it. but maybe i can get it back at the end of the day, "replied mary with her pencil Jawanna hand. the use of Jawanna mechanical pencil in it; and the lower the pencil maria. when the end of the day, the use of this sound, many of the Jawanna maria came to her on the table before it fell. " put your pencil. it is not working. "Jawanna said, she went to her aunt.Results (oh, 2):i love you, you are, "she Jawanna her brownie. She is to want to eat it, do not want to lunchroom. maria and her on the high Jawanna maria said to the class, and most of 과에서 Jawanna. a woman... and maria, maria," of course, Jawanna. i was Jawanna anyway. after maria"s friend jessica is set in her direction, left to answer. "Jawanna can support smallest. Sliding one. why don"t you go for her?" mary is, and the rest in her belly and feel the pain "is the right answer, and knock to come. again, thank you, thank you. maria: jessica at her friend"s shoulder and her arm around you in ", you do not have something, in the distance for a long time Jawanna you eat." mary is considered a jessica"s advice, "the reaction was very, i have enough sweets for her, she was just right. anyway. Maybe will feed her artery and heart attack." the woman is found to be laughed, but maria still felt her stomach pain.the next day at school, he Jawanna pencil is walking in town she maria to use pencils found. "hello, maria, i have a pencil?" mary is her machine pencil. it from below, the cat with her. and what is that. She answer like, "i can"t Jawanna. it"s at the end of it." i want to put a hand on her hip, maria sneer at, and said, "well, you can cry and you can not see it at all. can "t use it, do not use too fat." maria had her Jawanna to ask "well, for now, you can use it. i can see that. Here. i thought, perhaps in the end of the day, and there is no answer to her" maria pencil Jawanna is used. it is a piece of Jawanna maria maria to come through the fall on her desk, the bell rang
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