뭉쳐야 산다

뭉쳐야 산다" …쏟아지는 멀티캐스팅 영화들기사입력 2016.09

뭉쳐야 산다" …쏟아지는 멀티캐스팅 영화들

기사입력 2016.09.18 오전 9:00
최종수정 2016.09.18 오전 9:02

댓글13번역언어 선택가あA


남성미 물씬 풍기는 영화 '아수라' (서울=연합뉴스) 이재희 기자 = 배우 정만식(왼쪽부터), 곽도원, 황정민, 김성수 감독, 배우 정우성, 주지훈이 1일 오전 서울 강남구 CGV압구정점에서 열린 영화 '아수라' 제작발표회에서 포즈를 취하고 있다. 2016.9.1 scape@yna.co.kr
(서울=연합뉴스) 조재영 기자 = 이달 28일 개봉을 앞둔 영화 '아수라'(김성수 감독)에는 정우성, 황정민, 주지훈, 곽도원 등 충무로 스타들이 한꺼번에 출연한다. 화려한 캐스팅 때문에 '충무로 어벤져스'로 불릴 정도다.

'아수라'를 연출한 김성수 감독은 이달 1일 열린 제작보고회에서 "이렇게 유명한 배우들이 한꺼번에 나올 줄은 나도 몰랐다"며 "영화감독이 누릴 수 있는 인생의 호사"라며 스스로 감격해 했다. 

오는 12월 개봉하는 영화 '마스터'는 이병헌, 강동원, 김우빈의 만남으로 기대를 모은다.

'감시자들'(2013년)의 조의석 감독이 메가폰을 잡은 영화로, 조 단위의 사기 사건을 둘러싸고 이를 쫓는 지능범죄수사대와 희대의 사기범, 그리고 그의 브레인이 치열한 머리싸움을 벌이는 범죄오락액션 영화다. 

이병헌이 희대의 사기범 진 회장 역을 맡아 카리스마를 뽐내며 강동원이 지능범죄수사팀장 김재명, 김우빈이 진 회장의 브레인으로 각각 출연한다.

이처럼 여러 명의 스타가 한꺼번에 출연하는 멀티캐스팅은 최근 몇년 사이 한국 영화계의 한 흐름으로 자리 잡았다.


영화 '마스터'의 이병헌CJ엔터테인먼트 제공
올여름 극장가를 휩쓴 '인천상륙작전'(2016년)도 할리우드 스타 리암 니슨과 이정재, 이범수, 정준호 등 화려한 캐스팅을 자랑한다. 

김지운 감독의 '밀정'도 '믿고 보는 배우' 송강호와 '부산행'으로 천만 배우로 떠오른 공유, 한지민, 신성록 등이 가세해 현재 박스오피스 1위를 달리고 있다. 인지도 높은 배우를 한두 명이 아니라 너덧 명을 동시에 기용하는 방식은 2012년 최동훈 감독의 '도둑들'이 흥행하면서부터 보편화됐다.

김윤석·김혜수·이정재·전지현·김수현·김해숙·오달수가 출연한 '도둑들'은 한국영화 사상 여섯 번째로 1천만 관객을 돌파한 영화다. 

이 작품 이후 이정재·최민식·황정민·박성웅·송지효 주연의 '신세계'(2013년), 송강호·이정재·백윤식·조정석·이종석 주연의 '관상'(2013년)이 멀티캐스팅 영화의 계보를 이으며 흥행에 성공했다.

하정우·강동원·이경영·조진웅의 '군도:민란의 시대'(2014년), 황정민·유아인·유해진이 나온 '베테랑'(2015년), 전지현·이정재·하정우·조진웅이 출연한 '암살'(2015년)도 화려한 출연진을 앞세워 많은 관객을 동원했다.

현재 제작 중인 류승완 감독의 '군함도'는 황정민과 소지섭, 송중기, 이정현 등이 출연해 '역대급' 초호화 캐스팅으로 주목받고 있다.

멀티캐스팅은 할리우드 영화에서도 자주 볼 수 있다. 


영화 '매그니피센트7'의 한 장면UPI코리아 제공
조지 클루니, 맷 데이먼, 브래드 피트, 알파치노 등 할리우드 대스타들이 한꺼번에 출연하는 '오션스 일레븐'(2001년)을 시작으로 '어벤져스' 시리즈와 같은 히어로물이 대표적이다. 

최근 개봉한 '매그니피센트7'도 마찬가지다. 덴젤 워싱턴, 크리스 프랫, 이선 호크, 이병헌 등 다양한 배우들의 활약이 돋보인다.

한 극장 관계자는 "멀티캐스팅은 각기 다른 매력을 가진 배우들이 서로 시너지를 내기 때문에 관객들에게 영화에 대한 신뢰감을 높여 주는 효과가 있다" 며 "원톱 배우에 의지하는 것보다 티켓 파워를 고루 갖춘 여러 배우를 출연시켜 흥행 리스크를 줄일 수도 있다"고 말했다.

한 제작·배급사 관계자도 "다양한 연령대의 스타급 배우들을 기용하면 여러 연령층의 호감을 끄는 마케팅을 할 수 있다"고 전했다.

예컨대 관객 717만 명을 동원한 영화 '베를린'(류승완 감독)의 경우 하정우가 당시 충무로의 '라이징 스타'로 젊은 여성 관객들의 호감을 샀다면, 전지현은 남성 관객들에게 어필하는 요소로 작용했다는 것이다. 

또 한석규는 과거부터 안정적인 연기를 보여주는 배우라는 인식이 있어 40대 이상의 관객층을 극장으로 끌어들이는데 주효했다는 분석이다.

그러나 스타급 배우들을 한꺼번에 기용하면 전체 제작비 대비 캐스팅 비용이 상대적으로 증가할 수 있다.

영화계 관계자는 "제작비의 한계가 있는 상황에서 배우들의 출연료가 커지면 영화 스태프에 대한 처우가 소홀해질 수 있다"고 우려했다.

여러 스타가 한꺼번에 나오면 개성 있는 캐릭터들을 즐길 수 있는 장점도 있지만, 자칫 이야기가 산만해지고 전체 러닝타임이 길어지는 단점도 있다.

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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
He has not expressed live "... It pours multicasting moviesEnter the 2016.09.18 article 9:00 amLast modified 2016.09.18 at 9:02 amComment 13 languages choose a AShow originalMale s. which exude an atmosphere of the movie ' Asura ' (AP) Lee Jae-Hee, only to learn the press = expression (from left to right), gwagdo won, Hwang Jung-min, Kim Sung-Su Director, actor Jung Woo-Sung, Ju Ji-Hoon CGV apgujeong-Dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 1, held in the movie ' Asura ' production poses in the Conference. 2016.9.1 scape@yna.co.kr(AP)-Jo Jae-young journalists to be released later this month, 28, the eve of a movie ' = Asura ' (Kim Sung-Su Director), Jung Woo-Sung, Hwang Jung-min, Ju Ji-Hoon won 10-7 stars, such as gwagdo, all at once. Because of the brilliant cast of ' Avengers ' to be a favorite.' Asura ' Director Kim Sung-Su earlier this month staged one-day briefing session on the open production "so it would come out all at once, the famous actors I knew" and "film director could benefit from the luxury of your life by saying this I am so thrilled for ourselves". In December released movie ' master ' Lee, Kang Dong-won, Kim ubinyi, expect to encounter.' Monitor ' (2013), Joe caught the movie with Director seat, chasing the intelligence unit's fraud cases for criminal investigation and the ambient is unaccountable scam, and his brain is the crime fighting a fierce head fun action movie. Lee Byung-Hun Lee Hee-Beom-Jin, President of fraud take charismatic swagger Kang Dong-won, Kim Jae-gang, a criminal investigation intelligence team, Wu bin, Chairman of the brain, respectively.This is a multiple star appeared en masse like multicasting is one of the Korean film industry the last few years with the flow.Show originalLee Byung-Hun of CJ entertainment provided in the movie ' master 'Summer theater sweeping the "Inchon" (2016) is also a Hollywood star Liam Neeson and Lee Jung-Jae, Lee Beom-soo, Jung Jun-HO, etc. brilliant casting. Directed by Kim Ji-Woon's ' see also ' believe the actors ' constant ' push Song Kang-Ho and has as an actor as ' not at all share a row Busan, Korea, Han JI-min, the divine rock this addition is currently # 1 in the box office. Not one or two people with a high awareness of the actors at the same time, the manner in which your comments people appointed in 2012, Choi Dong-Hoon, Director of the ' thieves ' was common from with the entertainer.Kim Yoon-Seok, Kim Hye-soo and Lee Jung-Jae and Hae-sook, jeon Ji-Hyun and Kim Hyun, Oh Dal-Su starring ' thief ' is a Korean film ever topped 10 million audience for the sixth movie. Since this work, Lee Jung-Jae and Choi Min-sik, Hwang Jung-min, Park Sung-Woong, song JI Hyo-starring ' the new world ' (2013), Song Kang-Ho, Lee Jung-Jae and adjust the seat and the back yunsik, Yi Chong-Sok, starring ' tubular ' (2013) multicasting is the film's lineage and has been successful in the box office.HA Jung-Woo, Kang Dong-won Cho Jin-Woong's ' this management and Islands: min of the age ' (2014), Hwang Jung-min, Yoo Ah-in and came out of the ' veteran ' harmful gene (2015), Jun Ji-Hyun, Lee Jung-Jae, HA Jung-Woo and Cho Jin also starring ' assassination ' (2015) is also launching a brilliant cast, many in the audience.Currently the production Director Ryu Seung-Wan is being ' gunhamdo ' Hwang Jung-min and so JI-sub, song Joong-GI, Lee Jung-Hyun appeared, such as ' past in a hurry ' studded cast.Multicasting is often seen in Hollywood movies. Show originalThe movie ' magneto p provides a scene of UPI Inc. 7 centsGeorge Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Al Pacino starring Hollywood star who at once, such as the ' Ocean's eleven (2001), starting with ' Avengers ' series, such as the hero of water representative. Recently unsealed ' magneto p cents 7. Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Nathan Hawke, Lee plays a variety of actors.One theater official said, "the actors with different multicasting is the fascination with each other because the synergies to the audience for the film, has the effect that a sense of trust" and "won the top actor rather than rely on the ticket by multiple actors combining the power of appearances may help reduce the risk of the box office," he said.One of the productions, official distributors "of various ages star actors deftly capture the crush of multiple audience marketing can do," he said.For example, consider the audience to 717 million movie ' Berlin ' (directed by Ryu Seung-Wan), HA Jung-Woo 10 ' rising star ' by the time a young woman from the audience bought a crush, to appeal to the male audience is that factor. Also from the past, showing a steady acting actor Han Suk-Kyu, called you've got 40 or more awareness of the audience into the theater just before a layer of that analysis.However, the star actors in contrast to cast the entire production cost for all relatively can increase.Film industry official said, "the situation in which the limitations of actors and production of fuel increased for the treatment is lightly the movie staff can be," he said.Multiple star comes out all at once, you can enjoy the advantages the unconventional characters, but if the story is becoming a distraction for the entire running time, this is a lot more disadvantages.
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
to live together ". when is a multi casting filmthe input   2016.09.18 at 9: 00the final number of the   2016.09.18 at 9: 02the choice of language is the translation of the message to a あ 13the source viewa soft wind the film "a" ("in the city, the reporter learned, li zheng long (from the left), the director of guo jin min, huang jing, the director of the governor"s and zheng yusheng, 1 days morning in the south. in view of that the CGV held a news conference," the movie "take the position. 2016.9.1 scape @ yna. co. cn(in the event, the british press), with 28 of a movie ". the" king of the director), zheng yusheng, brown said, will give, guo director, as a loyal players played a major role. stainless steel casting, with the "loyal to the" known as you can."a" is the director of the way this month, held a "made in the report that the actor a to i don"t know", "the director of the former can enjoy a life of their own"..  informed.in december, "the best film" li bingxian, gang dong won, kim yu bin of the people to save.in the "monitor" in 2013). the microphone in the hand piece, the unit"s fraud, hoping to catch the criminal investigation intelligence and dilute generation fraud, and his performance in the fierce fight is the   범죄오락 action movie.the dilute generation chen li bingxian fraud for the leadership to show the intelligence of criminal investigation, the gang dong won team gold that name, kim yu bin, head of the president"s performance.so many of the play is a multi role, in recent years, the south korean film industry"s position in the water.the source viewthe "main" li bingxian CJ entertainment servicethe summer is over, "wrote the inchon landing operations" (2016 years) hollywood star"s and jae lee, li yan, jun ho jeong, who, with the role of   boasts.kim"s "eyes" and "believe". the song "and" busan "actor out of the common, and han ji min, so go to the ticket office, the first run. if the actor is one or two, but four people at the same time, the use method is the best coach in 2012. "the thief" in practice since the summary.kim yun shi, jin huixiu, mileage, battery current and gold in the county, jin hai shu, can play to a "thief" is a south korean film in the sixth 1 million audience through the film.  in this work, the people in the ceremony, huang jing min, "mahatma and the banquet." new world "(the song of filial piety in 2013), song ho, this is the one, the three and run the clock, the banquet." fortune teller "(in 2013) is a multi role in the film at and box office success.the yu, jiang yuan, li ying, zhao zhen xiong"s "islands of the people": (2014), huang jing min, early childhood, and is the "old" (2015), the county in yu, zheng, zhao jin, male guest starred in "the assassination" (in 2015) and the gorgeous star of the mobilization of the audience.at present, the production of the type - wan"s "ship" is a folk song huang jing and su zhixie, crane, lee jung hyun, the first number in the "" and "choose to concern.multi role in the hollywood film can often be  .the source viewthe movie "the seven", and the center of the lens to provide the international.the base paper, a day from brad pitt, the alpha value as a hollywood actress who starred in the "ocean of eleven" (2001). the "away from the" hero "as the representative.  in recent years, the "seven", and that the man is the same. the most important place, chris. the li li bingxian, hawk, a variety of actor"s performance is very obvious.the official said: "a multi casting has a different charm, the actors and the audience. this is because in the sense of trust to improve the main effect", "want to rely on the actors rather than a power of the future. the actor starred in the box office to reduce the capital risk."the company staff said: "the small, different age star actors use many of the age, a leading marketing can do."for example, the use of 717 people"s film "berlin" (liu cheng wan, director) of the universe is "loyal to the" rising star "in favor of buying audience, the audience? is a response as a function of the factors.  .there is a song from the past three stable performance to that of the actor, the audience of more than 40 into the floor. results "analysis.but the star actors at the use of the cost comparison.
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