(주)제이와이피 엔터테인먼트 개인정보취급방침'(주)제이와이피엔터테인먼트'는 (이하 '회사'는) 고객님의 개인정보를 중요시하며, translation - (주)제이와이피 엔터테인먼트 개인정보취급방침'(주)제이와이피엔터테인먼트'는 (이하 '회사'는) 고객님의 개인정보를 중요시하며, English how to say

(주)제이와이피 엔터테인먼트 개인정보취급방침'(주)제이와이피엔터

(주)제이와이피 엔터테인먼트 개인정보취급방침
'(주)제이와이피엔터테인먼트'는 (이하 '회사'는) 고객님의 개인정보를 중요시하며, "정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호"에 관한 법률을 준수하고 있습니다.
회사는 개인정보취급방침을 통하여 고객님께서 제공하시는 개인정보가 어떠한 용도와 방식으로 이용되고 있으며, 개인정보보호를 위해 어떠한 조치가 취해지고 있는지 알려드립니다.
회사는 개인정보취급방침을 개정하는 경우 웹사이트 공지사항(또는 개별공지)을 통하여 공지할 것입니다.
- 본 방침은: 2014년 11월 20일 부터 시행됩니다.

1. 수집하는 개인정보 항목
회사는 회원가입, 서비스 신청 등등을 위해 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.
- 수집항목 (일반 회원가입의 경우) : 이름 , 성별 , 로그인ID , 비밀번호 , 자택 주소 , 휴대전화번호 , 이메일 , 서비스 이용기록 , 접속 로그 , 쿠키 , 접속 IP 정보 , 닉네임, e-mail수신여부, sms수신여부
- 수집항목 (유료 팬클럽 회원의 회원가입의 경우) : 이름 , 성별 , 로그인ID , 비밀번호 , 자택 주소 , 휴대전화번호 , 이메일 , 서비스 이용기록 , 접속 로그 , 쿠키 , 접속 IP 정보 , 닉네임, e-mail수신여부, sms수신여부, 팬클럽 가입 시 발급받은 예매번호
- 개인정보 수집방법: 홈페이지(회원가입)
2. 개인정보의 수집 및 이용목적
회사는 수집한 개인정보를 다음의 목적을 위해 활용합니다.
- 서비스 제공에 관한 이행 및 물품 배송 등 발송
- 회원 관리
회원제 서비스 이용에 따른 본인확인 , 개인 식별 , 불량회원의 부정 이용 방지와 비인가 사용 방지 , 가입 의사 확인, 불만처리 등 민원처리 , 고지사항 전달
- 마케팅 및 광고에 활용
신규 서비스(제품) 개발 및 특화 , 이벤트 등 광고성 정보 전달 , 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 서비스 제공 및 광고 게재 , 접속 빈도 파악 또는 회원의 서비스 이용에 대한 통계
3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용기간
원칙적으로, 수집된 개인정보는 이용목적이 달성된 후(회원 가입 탈퇴)에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다. 단, 관계법령의 규정에 의하여 보존할 필요가 있는 경우 회사는 아래와 같이 관계법령에서 정한 일정한 기간 동안 회원정보를 보관합니다.
- 보존 항목: 이름 , 성별 , 로그인ID , 비밀번호 ,자택 주소 , 휴대전화번호 , 이메일 , 서비스 이용기록 , 접속 로그 , 쿠키 , 접속 IP 정보 , 닉네임, e-mail수신여부,sms수신여부
- 보존 근거: 신용정보의 이용 및 보호에 관한 법률
- 보존 기간: 7일
소비자의 불만 또는 분쟁처리에 관한 기록: 3년 (전자상거래등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률)
4. 개인정보의 파기절차 및 방법
회사는 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후(회원 가입 탈퇴)에는 해당 정보를 지체없이 파기합니다. 파기절차 및 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
회원님이 회원가입 등을 위해 입력하신 정보는 목적이 달성된 후 별도의 DB로 옮겨져(종이의 경우 별도의 서류함) 내부 방침 및 기타 관련 법령에 의한 정보보호 사유에 따라(보유 및 이용기간 참조) 일정 기간 저장된 후 파기됩니다.
별도 DB로 옮겨진 개인정보는 법률에 의한 경우가 아니고서는 보유되는 이외의 다른 목적으로 이용되지 않습니다.
・전자적 파일형태로 저장된 개인정보는 기록을 재생할 수 없는 기술적 방법을 사용하여 삭제합니다.
・종이에 출력된 개인정보는 분쇄기로 분쇄하거나 소각을 통하여 파기합니다.
5. 개인정보 제공
회사는 이용자의 개인정보를 원칙적으로 외부에 제공하지 않습니다. 다만, 아래의 경우에는 예외로 합니다.
- 이용자들이 사전에 동의한 경우
- 법령의 규정에 의거하거나, 수사 목적으로 법령에 정해진 절차와 방법에 따라 수사기관의 요구가 있는 경우
6. 수집한 개인정보의 위탁
회사는 고객님의 동의없이 고객님의 정보를 외부 업체에 위탁하지 않습니다. 향후 그러한 필요가 생길 경우, 위탁 대상자와 위탁 업무 내용에 대해 고객님에게 통지하고 필요한 경우 사전 동의를 받도록 하겠습니다.
7. 이용자 권리와 그 행사방법
이용자는 언제든지 등록되어 있는 자신의 개인정보를 조회하거나 수정할 수 있으며 가입해지를 요청할 수도 있습니다. 이용자의 개인정보 조회,수정을 위해서는 ‘개인정보변경’(또는 ‘회원정보수정’ 등)을 가입해지(동의철회)를 위해서는 “회원탈퇴”를 클릭하여 본인 확인 절차를 거치신 후 직접 열람, 정정 또는 탈퇴가 가능합니다. 혹은 개인정보관리책임자에게 서면, 전화 또는 이메일로 연락하시면 지체없이 조치하겠습니다. 귀하가 개인정보의 오류에 대한 정정을 요청하신 경우에는 정정을 완료하기 전까지 당해 개인정보를 이용 또는 제공하지 않습니다. 또한 잘못된 개인정보를 제3자에게 이미 제공한 경우에는 정정 처리결과를 제3자에게 지체없이 통지하여 정정이 이루어지도록 하겠습니다. 회사는 이용자의 요청에 의해 해지 또는 삭제된 개인정보는 “회사가 수집하는 개인정보의 보유 및 이용기간”에 명시된 바에 따라 처리하고 그 외의 용도로 열람 또는 이용할 수 없도록 처리하고 있습니다.
8. 개인정보 자동수집 장치의 설치, 운영 및 그 거부에 관한 사항
회사는 귀하의 정보를 수시로 저장하고 찾아내는 ‘쿠키(cookie)’ 등을 운용합니다. 쿠키란 회사의 웹사이트를 운영하는데 이용되는 서버가 귀하의 브라우저에 보내는 아주 작은 텍스트 파일로서 귀하의 컴퓨터 하드디스크에 저장됩니다. 회사은(는) 다음과 같은 목적을 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다.

쿠키 등 사용 목적
- 회원과 비회원의 접속 빈도나 방문 시간 등을 분석, 이용자의 취향과 관심분야를 파악 및 자취 추적, 각종 이벤트 참여 정도 및 방문 회수 파악 등을 통한 타겟 마케팅 및 개인 맞춤 서비스 제공

귀하는 쿠키 설치에 대한 선택권을 가지고 있습니다. 따라서, 귀하는 웹브라우저에서 옵션을 설정함으로써 모든 쿠키를 허용하거나, 쿠키가 저장될 때마다 확인을 거치거나, 아니면 모든 쿠키의 저장을 거부할 수도 있습니다.

쿠키 설정 거부 방법
예: 쿠키 설정을 거부하는 방법으로는 회원님이 사용하시는 웹 브라우저의 옵션을 선택함으로써 모든 쿠키를 허용하거나 쿠키를 저장할 때마다 확인을 거치거나, 모든 쿠키의 저장을 거부할 수 있습니다.

설정방법 예(인터넷 익스플로어의 경우): 웹 브라우저 상단의 도구 > 인터넷 옵션 > 개인정보

단, 귀하께서 쿠키 설치를 거부하였을 경우 서비스 제공에 어려움이 있을 수 있습니다.
9. 개인정보에 관한 서비스
회사는 고객의 개인정보를 보호하고 개인정보와 관련한 불만을 처리하기 위하여 아래와 같이 관련 부서 및 개인정보관리책임자를 지정하고 있습니다.

고객서비스담당 부서: 마케팅 팀
전화번호: (02) 3438-2300
이메일: fan@jype.com

개인정보관리책임자 성명: 박찬
직위: 팀장
전자우편: fan@jype.com
전화번호: (02) 3438-2300

귀하께서는 회사의 서비스를 이용하시며 발생하는 모든 개인정보보호 관련 민원을 개인정보관리책임자 혹은 담당부서로 신고하실 수 있습니다. 회사는 이용자들의 신고사항에 대해 신속하게 충분한 답변을 드릴 것입니다.
기타 개인정보침해에 대한 신고나 상담이 필요하신 경우에는 아래 기관에 문의하시기 바랍니다.

1. 개인정보침해신고센터 (www.118.or.kr / 국번없이 118)
2. 대검찰청 사이버범죄수사단 (www.spo.go.kr / 02-3480-2000)
3. 경찰청 사이버테러대응센터 (www.ctrc.go.kr / 1566-0112)
JYP Entertainment
From: -
To: -
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
(C) Wai p entertainment privacy policy' (C) Jay and blooming entertainment ' (hereinafter referred to as ' the company '), and your own personal information, "the information network use promotion and information protection" to comply with the law.The company has a full range of popular amenities offered throughout this privacy policy notifies you and being used in the manner and for the protection of personal information and any action taken.The company will revise our privacy policy if you have a website (or individual notification) will be notified.-This policy is effective from November 20, 2014.1. collecting personal informationThe company has to apply for membership, services etc collect private data as defined below.-Collector's item (general membership): name, gender, login ID, password, home address, mobile phone number, email, use of the service record, access log, cookie, access IP information, nickname, receiving e-mail, sms, whether or not received-Collector's item (in the case of the Member's paid fan club membership): name, gender, login ID, password, home address, mobile phone number, email, use of the service record, access log, cookie, access IP information, nickname, receiving e-mail, sms, whether to receive fan club sign up: the number of tickets issued-Personal information collection method: website (subscription)2. the purpose of the collection and use of personal informationThe company collected personal information for the following purposes.-Services and goods, such as shipping-Membership managementThe membership service identification, personal identification, defects and prevent unauthorized use of your membership and sign up, make sure your doctor, complaints handling complaints, notices-Take advantage of the marketing and advertisingNew service (product) development and customisation, passes the advertisement information, such as events, resulting in a service provider demographic characteristics and identify the frequency of your ad, or statistics about the Member's use of the service3. the period of possession and use of personal informationAs a general rule, collect personal information after use (withdrawal of membership) that information without delay. However, the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations if you need to be preserved by the company is as follows: there is a constant period of time set forth in relevant laws and membership information.-Preserve items: name, gender, login ID, password, home address, mobile phone number, email, use of the service record, access log, cookie, access IP information, nickname, receiving e-mail, sms, whether or not received-Preservation of evidence: the use and protection of credit information law-Retention period: 7 daysRecords of consumer complaints or disputes: 3 years (e-commerce Consumer Protection Act)4. the procedures and methods of disposal of personal informationThe company has achieved the purpose of collecting and using personal information in principle (membership withdrawal) the information without delay. Destruction procedures and methods are as follows.-Destruction proceduresYou become a member, just enter your information for the purpose of achieving a separate DB after it has been translated into (in the case of a separate paper filing cabinet) internal policy and other related laws and regulations protecting private information (according to retention and use period) after a certain period of time saved will be discarded.Personal information will be transferred to a separate DB under the law unless it is retained and will not be used for other purposes than.-Destruction method/Personal information stored in electronic files unrecoverable deleted using technical methods./Personal information printed on paper shredder or incineration.5. personal information providedAs a general rule, personal information, the company does not provide on the outside. However, the following cases are exceptions.-If you have agreed in advance to users-The provisions of the statute or regulations prescribed for the purposes of the investigation procedure and the requirements of law enforcement agencies, if any, depending on how6. consignment of personal information collectedGuests will enjoy the comfort and convenience of the company without the consent of the third party information is not charged. In the future, if such a need arose and notify the customer about the contents of the consignment and, if necessary, we will seek the prior consent.7. user's rights and how to exercise thoseThe user is registered at any time you can modify their personal information or to unsubscribe may be requested. In order to modify the personal information inquiry, ' personal information ' (or ' Edit member information, etc.) in order to cancel (withdraw of agreement), "withdrawal of membership by clicking on" confirm the procedure after viewing directly mount, correction or withdrawal. Or writing to the privacy officer, please contact by phone or email, we will take measures without delay. Your personal information and request corrections of errors in the case until does not provide such information. In addition, the wrong personal information already provided to the third party if the third party notice without delay to make the correction. At the request of termination by the company or personal information that has been deleted "company retention and use period for collected personal information" in accordance with the process outlined in the and other purposes from being able to view or use.8. automatic collection of personal information on the device installation, operation and refusal ofThe company will save from time to time and find your info ' cookies (cookie) '. Cookies are used to operate the company's website that the server sends to your browser, a very small text file stored on the hard disk of your computer. The company is using cookies for the following purposes.For the purpose of using cookies, etc.-Members and non-members of the frequency with which you visit, such as the user's tastes and interests, analyzing and participating in various events and track, grasp the recall targeted marketing through visit and provide personalized serviceYou have the option for the installation of cookies. Therefore, set the options in your Web browser, you can accept all cookies, or, confirm whenever a cookie is stored, or you can also refuse all cookies.How to set cookies rejectedFor example, how to reject cookies and you use your Web browser's options, select accept all cookies, or cookies to confirm each time you save, you can reject all cookies.How to set up (e.g. Internet Explorer) > tools > Internet options at the top of the browser: Web-privacyHowever, if you reject the installation of cookies may have difficulty in providing the service.9. personal information serviceThe company and the customer's privacy and your personal information in order to process a complaint related to the relevant Department, as shown below, and specify the personal information manager.Customer Service Dept.: marketing teamPhone: (02) 3438-2300Email: fan@jype.comPersonal information administrator: Park Chan-Job title: team leaderEmail: fan@jype.comPhone: (02) 3438-2300You can use the company's services, and please keep in mind that all privacy-related complaints, which caused privacy officer or Department may be able to file a report. About user's filing, the company quickly enough will be happy to answer.Other privacy questions about the following organizations, please contact us.1. personal information infringement report Center (www.118.or.kr/dial 118)2. the number of cyber crimes Division of the Supreme prosecutors ' Office (www.spo.go.kr/+ 82-2-3480-2000)3. the national police agency Cyber terror response Center (www.ctrc.go.kr/1566-0112)JYP Entertainment
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
(Note) Jay and Efficient Entertainment privacy policy
(Note) Jay and Efficient entertainment 'is (the' Company ') and look for your personal information, comply with the law on "Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection" and.
, Ltd. are pleased to inform you that through your privacy policy and personal information is being used for any purpose and how you you provide, what measures are being taken to protect personal information.
the company updated its privacy policy If will be announced through the website notice (or individual notice)
- this policy is: is effective from May 20, 2014 11 1. Personal information collected items Company collects the following personal information for membership and service application etc. - collect the item (General Membership): name, gender, login ID, password, home address, phone number, , e-mail services recorded, access logs, cookies, access IP information, nickname, e-mail received Status, sms whether or not to receive - to collect items (in the case of registering a paid fan club members): name, gender, login ID, password, home address, phone number, e-mail services recorded, access logs, cookies, access IP information, nickname, e-mail received Status, sms received, whether the fan club sign-up issued a reservation number - personal information collected there: Main (Member Up) 2. Collection and use purpose of personal information must take advantage of the company is personal information collected for the following purposes: - sent, including the implementation and goods delivery on service -member management identification of the use subscription services, personal identification, defective member illegal use prevention and unauthorized use prevention, subscription doctor checking, complaints, including complaints handling, notices delivered - marketing and utilization of advertising services in accordance with the new service (product) development and specialization, events and advertising information delivery, demographic characteristics and ads, statistics on the use of the service, or access frequently identify members 3. Retention and use of personal information period , in principle, the use of personal information collected after the purpose has been achieved (subscription cancellation) must destroy the information without delay. However, if you need to be preserved in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations the company must keep membership information for a period of time determined by the relevant laws and regulations as it follows: - preserving items: name, gender, login ID, password, home address, phone number, , e-mail services recorded, access logs, cookies, access IP information, nickname, e-mail received Status, sms whether receive -preserved grounds: on the use and protection of credit information Act - retention period: 7 Days consumer complaints or records of disputes: 3 years (law ​​on consumer protection in electronic commerce) 4. Personal Information Destruction Procedures and Methods of the company after the acquisition and use of personal information in principle purpose has been achieved (subscription cancellation) must destroy the information without delay. Destroying procedures and methods are as follows: - destroying process the information you were transferred to separate DB after achieving the information you entered, such as for registering purposes by the internal policies and other relevant laws and regulations (a separate filing cabinet if the paper) depending on the protection grounds (see period of possession and use) will be destroyed after a certain period of time stored personal data transferred to separate DB is not used for any purpose other than that retention standing, not the case according to law. - method of destruction , electronic files personal information stored in will be deleted using technical methods that can play the recording. · personal information printed on paper will be discarded shredder or through incineration. 5. Personal information provided the company does not provide any personal information to an external principle. However, if the exception is below. - If patrons agree in advance - if there is a requirement of the investigation agency under the provisions of the Act, or in accordance with established procedures on how the legislation by investigators purposes 6. Consignment of collected personal information the company does not charge your information without your consent to third parties. If such a need arise in the future, if customers need to notify the commission about the person entrusted with more work will receive prior consent. 7. User rights and how to exercise that users can view or edit your personal information registered at any time and may request the cancellation. Personal information query, in order to modify the "Privacy Changes" (or "Modify information", etc.) for the cancellation (withdrawal of consent) "Member unsubscribe" Click to read directly after mounting the identification procedure god correction or possible withdrawal. Or in writing to the Privacy Officer, please contact us by phone or email and we'll measures without delay. If you have requested a correction of errors in personal information until you complete the correction does not provide relevant or use your personal information. In addition, if you provide false personal information to third parties it has already notified without delay to the correction process will result to a third party so that the correction is made. The Company has personal information, and can not be revoked or deleted at the request of the user is processed as specified in the "Company collects possession and use of personal information for the period" and read or use for other purposes. 8. Details about the installation, operation, and its refusal to automatically collect personal information devices company will operate from time to time and save your information and find "Cookie (cookie) '. The server used to run the company's Web site, the cookie is a small text file sent to your browser stores on your computer's hard disk. . Hoesaeun will use the cookies for the following purposes using cookies, purpose -members and analyzing the access frequency and visiting time, and non-members, to identify and trace track the user's tastes and interests, events participation rate and visit recovered identify targeted marketing and personalized service, including through providing you have the choice to install cookies. Therefore, you or through confirmation each time to allow all cookies by setting an option in the Web browser or when a cookie is stored, or you can reject all cookies. Cookies set up denial of methods such as refusing to set cookies how to include or allow all cookies by selecting the Web browser option you you were using or through confirmation each time you save your cookies, you can reject all cookies. setting example (for Internet Explorer): top of the web browser tools> Internet options> Privacy However, if you reject cookies, you may have difficulty installing the service. 9. Services related to personal information the Company has designated the relevant departments and personal information manager as shown below in order to protect customers' personal information and handle complaints related to personal information. Customer Service Department: Marketing Team Tel: (02) 3438-2300 e-mail: fan@jype.com personal information manager name: Park Chan position: Team leader e-mail: fan@jype.com phone: (02) 3438-2300 your Privacy all He occurring He uses the services of the company you can report complaints to safeguard personal information manager or department. The company will be happy to answer quickly enough to the report of the users. If you need counseling or other private information report for violations, please contact the following organizations. 1. (Without www.118.or.kr / Station No. 118) Privacy Complaint Center 2. Cyber ​​Supreme Prosecutor's Office Criminal Investigation Division (www.spo.go.kr / 02-3480-2000) 3. Police Cyber ​​Terror Response Center (www.ctrc.go.kr / 1566-0112) JYP Entertainment

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