* 아이디 중복확인* 비밀번호입력 * 비밀번호 확인 * 이름 * 어린이회원 14세 미만 14세 미만 가입시 보호자 동의 후 가 translation - * 아이디 중복확인* 비밀번호입력 * 비밀번호 확인 * 이름 * 어린이회원 14세 미만 14세 미만 가입시 보호자 동의 후 가 English how to say

* 아이디 중복확인* 비밀번호입력 * 비밀번호 확인 * 이름 *

* 아이디
* 비밀번호입력
* 비밀번호 확인
* 이름
* 어린이회원
14세 미만 14세 미만 가입시 보호자 동의 후 가입 가능합니다. 14세 미만 가입시 꼭 체크해주세요

필수 약관동의
인터파크 이용약관 (필수)약관전체보기
본 약관 중요사항 고지는 인터파크 이용약관에 포함된 인터파크,이용자,제공서비스,개인정보 보호정책, 회원탈퇴에 대한 정의를 요약한 것으로 이용약관에 따른 구체적인 권리관계 및 의무사항은 반드시 전문보기를 확인하고 동의를 진행 하여야 합니다.

인터파크란 회사가 재화 또는 용역을 이용자에게 제공하기 위하여 컴퓨터 등 정보통신설비를 이용하여 재화 또는 용역을 거래할 수 있도록 설정한 가상의 영업장(www.interpark.com 또는 www.interpark.co.kr)을 말하며, 아울러 사이버 몰을 운영하는 사업자의 의미로도 사용합니다. 단, 아이포인트몰, 마트/할인점, 도서, 공연/영화 및 쇼핑에 한하며 다른 탭의 영업장 및 www.playdb.co.kr은 제외합니다.

[제공 서비스]
1.쇼핑서비스(오픈마켓 서비스 포함)
2. 도서서비스(회사와 별도약정으로 한 공급자의 직접배송 서비스 포함)
3. 티켓예매서비스 또는 ENT서비스
4. 여행 서비스(개정 2009.09.01)
5. 기타 회사가 정하는 업무 등

"이용자"라 함은 회사에 접속하여 이 약관에 따라 회사가 제공하는 서비스를 받는 회원 및 비회원을 말합니다. 이용자는 회사가 정한 가입 양식에 따라 회원정보를 기입한 후 이 약관에 동의한다는 의사표시를 함으로써 회원가입을 신청하고, 회사는 회원으로 가입할 것을 신청한 이용자 중 약관에 따라 허용가능한 이용자는 회원으로 승낙합니다.

[개인정보 보호정책]
인터파크는 이용자의 정보수집 시 판·구매 계약 이행에 필요한 최소한의 정보를 수집하는 바
다음 사항을 필수사항으로 하며 그 외 사항은 관련법령 및 개인정보취급방침을 따릅니다.
가. 성명, 생년월일
나. 휴대전화번호
다. 아이디ID(회원의 경우)
라. 비밀번호(회원의 경우)
마. E-mail 주소(회원의 경우)

[회원 탈퇴]
(회원 탈퇴 및 자격 상실 등)
회원은 회사에 언제든지 탈퇴를 요청할 수 있으며 회사는 즉시 회원탈퇴를 처리합니다. 다만, 해지의사를 통지하기 전에 모든 상품의 판매 및 구매 절차를 완료, 철회 또는 취소해야만 합니다. 이 경우 판매 및 구매의 철회 또는 취소로 인한 불이익은 회원 본인이 부담하여야 하며 기타 법령에 위반되거나, 사회통념,공서양속에 위배되는 경우 회원 자격제한, 정지 조치될 수 있습니다.
전자금융거래 이용약관 (필수)약관전체보기
본 약관 중요사항 고지는 전자금융거래 이용약관에 포함된 전자지급결제대행서비스, 결제대금예치서비스, 선불식전자지급수단 등의 정의를 요약한 것으로 이용약관에 따른 구체적인 권리관계 및 의무사항은 반드시 전문보기를 확인하고 동의를 진행 하여야 합니다.
본 약관은 주식회사 인터파크 회원사(이하 '회원사'라 합니다)가 운영하는
인터넷사이트(http://www.interpark.com)(이하 '사이트'라 합니다)를 통하여 제공하는 전자금융거래 서비스를 이용자가 이용하는 경우,
회원사와 이용자 간 전자금융거래의 법률관계를 정함에 그 목적이 있습니다.

[거래내용의 확인]
회원사는 '사이트'의 '마이페이지'나 기타 조회화면을 통하여 이용자의 거래내용, 발행자, 구매가격, 유효기간, 사용조건, 사용가능가맹점, 환불조건 및 방법, 지급보증 또는 피해보상보험계약 체결에 관한 사항, 소비자 피해 발생 시 연락처 등 (이용자의 '오류정정 요구사실 및 처리결과에 관한 사항'을 포함합니다)을 확인할 수 있도록 하며, 이용자의 요청이 있는 경우에는 요청을 받은 날로부터 2주 이내에 모사전송, 우편 또는 직접 교부의 방법으로 거래내용에 관한 서면을 교부합니다.
거래지시의 철회
이용자가 전자지급거래를 한 경우, 이용자는 지급의 효력이 발생하기 전까지 본 약관 제4조 제4항 기재 담당자에게 전자문서의 전송(전자우편을 이용한 전송을 포함합니다)에 의한 방법으로 거래지시를 철회할 수 있습니다. 각 서비스 별 지급효력의 발생시기는 본 약관 제15조 및 제20조에서 정하는 바와 같습니다. 또한 이용자는 전자지급의 효력이 발생한 경우에 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률 등 관련 법령상 청약의 철회의 방법에 따라 결제대금을 반환 받을 수 있습니다

[지급결제대행 서비스]
전자적 방법으로 재화 또는 용역(이하 '재화 등'이라고만 합니다)의 구매에 있어서 지급결제정보를 송신하거나 수신하는 것 또는 그 대가의 정산을 대행하거나 매개하는 서비스를 말합니다.
거래지시의 철회
이용자가 전자지급결제대행서비스를 이용한 경우, 이용자는 거래지시된 금액의 정보에 대하여 수취인의 계좌가 개설되어 있는 금융기관 또는 (주)인터파크의 계좌의 원장에의 입금기록 또는 전자적 장치에의 입력이 끝날 때까지 거래지시를 철회할 수 있습니다. 또한 (주)인터파크는 이용자의 거래지시의 철회에 따라 지급거래가 이루어지지 않은 경우 수령한 자금을 이용자에게 반환하여야 합니다.

결제대금예치서비스'라 함은 '사이트'에서 이루어지는 선불식 통신판매에 있어서, (주)인터파크가 소비자가 지급하는 결제대금을 예치하고 배송이 완료된 후 재화 등의 대금을 판매자에게 지급하는 제도를 말합니다.
거래지시의 철회
이용자가 결제대금예치서비스를 이용한 경우, 이용자는 거래지시된 금액의 정보가 수취인이 지정한 전자적 장치에 도달한 때까지 거래지시를 철회할 수 있으며, (주)인터파크는 이용자의 거래지시의 철회에 따라 지급거래가 이루어지지 않은 경우 수령한 자금을 이용자에게 반환하여야 합니다.

이용자가 (주)인터파크가 발행하며 운영하는 인터넷사이트(http://www.interpark.com)의 오픈마켓에 입점한 판매자로부터 재화 등을 구매하고 그 대가를 지급하는데 사용하기 위하여 (주)인터파크가 발행, 관리하는 선불식전자지급수단이며,'투미머니'라 함은 특정인에게 선물하기 기능이 있는, 선불식전자지급수단을 말합니다.
이용자는 보유 중인 I-Point 또는 기타 선불식전자지급수단의 환급을 (주)인터파크에 요구할 경우 I-Point 또는 기타 선불식전자지급수단의 충전한 금액의 60% 이상 사용시 잔액에 대하여 환급을 받을 수 있습니다(단 1만원 이하는 80% 이상 사용시 잔액 환급).
단, '투미머니'는 수수료 공제 후 전액에 대해 환급 받을 수 있습니다.단, 무상으로 제공받은 I-Point 및 기타 선불식전자지급수단의 환급은 이벤트, 포상, 보상등을 통하여 이용자에게 무상으로 제공하기전 본 I-Point 및 기타 선불식전자지급수단의 환급이 가능함을 이용자에게 사전에 공지하거나 통지한 경우에 한하며 천재지변등의 사유로 인하여 (주)인터파크 또는 판매자등이 재화 또는 용역제공이 불가능하게 되거나 (주)인터파크가 발행한 I-Point 또는 기타 선불식전자지급수단의 결함으로 (주)인터파크 또는 판매자로부터 재화 또는 용역을 제공받지 못하게 될 경우 보유중인 I-Point 또는 기타 선 불식전자지급 수단의 전액 환급 가능합니다.
결제수단 등
I-Point 또는 기타 선불식전자지급수단의 결제수단은 금전적 가치충전을 위한 현금만 가능합니다.
단, 예외적으로 (주)인터파크와 선불식전자지급수단 결제 제휴계약을 맺은 신용카드사의 신용카드로는 결제가 가능합니다.
또한 순금, 상품권등 불법적인 현금화 우려가 있는 일부 상품의 경우 I-Point 또는 기타 선불식전자지급수단의 결제가 제한될 수 있습니다.
단, 결제제한 상품의 품목에 관하여는 이용자에게 사전에 통지후 제한합니다.
개인정보 수집 동의서 (필수)
인터파크는 인터파크회원에게 쇼핑, 도서, 티켓 예매, 투어/숙박/항공 예매 서비스와 회원관리서비스, 그리고 보다 다양한 서비스 제공을 위하여 아래와 같이 회원의 개인정보를 수집, 활용합니다.
* 본 수집동의서 상의 용어의 정의는 "인터파크 회원약관 및 개인정보취급방침" 에 준용하며 인터파크 서비스 제공을 위해서 필요한 최소한의 개인정보이므로
동의를 해주셔야만 서비스를 이용 하실 수 있습니다.
목적 항목 보유기간
이용자 식별 및 본인여부 확인 성명, 휴대폰번호, 생년월일, 전자메일주소, 아이디, 비밀번호 회원탈퇴 후 파기됩니다.
다만 관계법령에 의해 보존할 경우
그 의무기간 동안 별도 보관되며
불,편법 행위의 방지 및 대응의 목적으로 60일간 별도보관됩니다
만14세 미만 아동여부 확인 법정대리인의 이름/전자메일/휴대폰번호/통신사
부정이용방지, 비인가 사용 방지, 분쟁조정 해결을 위한 기록보존 등 IP Address, 방문일시, 서비스 이용기록(자동으로 생성되는 개인정보)

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* ID Duplicate check* Enter a password * Password confirm * Name * Children members Under the age of 14 and under the age of 14 to join the guardians after agreeing to join. Be sure to join please check under the age of 14The required acceptance of termsInter Park terms and conditions (required) view full terms and conditionsThese terms and conditions important notice contains terms of interpark interpark, users, services, privacy policy, membership definitions for the terms and conditions of use as a summary of specific rights and responsibilities is not necessarily in accordance with the professional view and agree to proceed.[Inter Park]Inter Park ran the company goods or services to the user's computer to provide telecommunications facilities to trade goods or services using the set so that you can make a virtual business, saying (www.interpark.com or www.interpark.co.kr) operate telcos as a cyber Mall. However, kids Mart/discount stores, the Mall, the book points, the show/movie and shopping and other tabs except for the sales Chief and www.playdb.co.kr.[Offer]1. shopping service (open market service included)2. Book Service (as a separate agreement with the company, a provider of direct shipping service)3. ticket booking service, or ENT services4. travel services (revised 2009.09.01)5. other duties as provided by the company, etc.[The user]"User" means any company subject to the terms and conditions to access the service provided by the company members and non-members. Depending on the subscription form prescribed by these companies complete the Member information and then agree to the terms and conditions that apply for membership by making a declaration of intention, and the company will subject to the terms and conditions of the user as a member of acceptable user acceptance.[Privacy policy]Interpark is the user's information collection, fulfillment of purchase contract required the least · gather information barThe following are mandatory and others are subject to the relevant laws and regulations and privacy policy.A. name, date of birthB. cell phone numberC. ID ID (in case of Member)D. password (in case of Member)5. E-mail address (in case of Member)[Membership](Membership withdrawal and loss of membership, etc.)The company may request to unsubscribe at any time, the company will immediately process the membership withdrawal. However, before a notice of intention to terminate the sale and purchase of all products to complete the process, you must withdraw or cancel. In this case, the withdrawal or cancellation of the sale and purchase the disadvantage caused by members violation of other laws and regulations you must be borne, or social myth, if you violate the public order and standards of membership can be limited, stop action.Electronic financial transaction terms and conditions (required) view full terms and conditionsThese terms and conditions, important notices, terms and conditions of use contained in the electronic financial transactions, electronic payment service, payment service, prepaid electronic payment deposited the payment means, such as a summary of the definition of the specific rights in accordance with these terms and conditions, and with the obligation does not necessarily agree with that view and expertise.This agreement is a member of inter Park co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ' members ') operated byInternet site (http://www.interpark.com) (hereinafter referred to as ' the site ') to provide electronic financial transactions through the service by the user,Members and users of electronic financial transactions law, separated in the relationship.[Check the contents of the transaction]Members ' site ' in the ' my page ' and other users ' transactions through the screen contents, views publishers, purchase price, period of validity, terms of use, conditions and how to enable merchants, refund, warranty or compensation paid to matters concerning insurance contracts concluded with consumers, damage in the event of contact, such as (' error correction requirements regarding the facts and treatment results will include '), so that you can see the user's request if the request is received within 2 weeks from the date of the facsimile transmission, mail or direct grants to deal with a way of writing about the contents of the church fathers.Withdrawal of the directions to dealIf you have an electronic payment transactions by the user, the user will take effect until the provisions of this agreement, article 4 section 4 equipment representative for transfer of electronic documents (including the transmission of email-based) by the way, you can withdraw the trading instructions. The timing of the occurrence of the effect of each service provision terms, article 15 and article 20, as in. In addition, if you are experiencing the effect of these electronic payment in e-commerce Consumer Protection Act, etc., relevant laws and regulations in accordance with the payment method of withdrawal of São José do subscription billing, you can receive a return[Payment processing services]Electronic way, goods or services (hereinafter referred to as ' goods only ') with regard to the purchase of payment to send or receive information or of settlement or parameter refers to the services.Withdrawal of the directions to dealElectronic payment services users, if you are often dealing with the amount of information directed against the beneficiary's account has been opened in banks or (c) a deposit of records or on the inter Park account ledgers, electronic devices, type of deal until the end of the instructions, you can withdraw. In addition, (c) the withdrawal of the user's transaction instructions interpark paid according to the date of receipt of the funds to deal with the user should be returned to.[Deposited the proceeds of payment services]Deposited the proceeds of payment service ' takes place in the ' sites ' prepaid mail order, payable by the consumer to the inter Park co., Ltd. is deposited the proceeds of payment and delivery of goods after the payment, the seller is a term that refers to the system.Withdrawal of the directions to dealIf you are using the service, user's payment deposited the proceeds, the amount of these transactions, the information will make the indicated the specified electronic devices until it reaches deal to withdraw the instruction, and (c) the withdrawal of the user's transaction instructions interpark paid according to the date of receipt of the funds to deal with the user should be returned to.[I-Point]Inter park users (State) issued and operated Internet site (http://www.interpark.com) in the open market to buy goods from a seller in the shop, and he paid for it to be used for the issuance of the inter Park co., Ltd., to manage prepaid electronic payment means, ' Tumi money ' means the ability to present to a particular person, prepaid electronic payment means.RefundThe user I-Point or hold other prepaid electronic payment of refund if you ask the inter Park I-Point co., Ltd. or any other prepaid electronic payment means used: more than 60% of the amount charged against the balance may be eligible for reimbursement (only 1 million is more than 80% refund of your balance when you use).However, the total amount after deducting the fees ' Tumi money ' can receive reimbursement for out-of-warranty available, I-Point and other prepaid electronic payment and refund of the event, awards, rewards and free to the user before this I-Point and other prepaid electronic payment means, it is possible that, prior to a refund or if you notice one, such as natural disasters, due to (the principal) and the inter Park, such as the provision of goods or services or the seller makes it impossible or (c) inter Park I-Point or other prepaid electronic payment issued by Sudan's fault (c) inter Park offers goods or services from a seller or if not we hold I-Point or other means of electronic payments can be refunded the full amount of the lines give the impression of.A method of payment, etc.I-Point or other means of payment, means monetary value prepaid electronic payment cash only for charging.However, the exception to this (week) paid to means of payment and prepaid electronic inter Park affiliate deals with credit card companies credit card for payment.In addition, pure gold, gift certificates, etc., in the case of some items in illegal cash concerns I-Point or other means of electronic prepaid payment payment may be limited.However, with respect to items of goods payment limit to users after prior notification.Consent to collection of personal information (required)Interpark is inter Park shopping, books, membership, tickets, tour/accommodation/flight booking service and membership management services, and provides a variety of services, rather than to the personal information of members collected, as shown below.* The definitions of the terms on this collection agreement "interpark Member's terms & conditions and privacy policy" shall apply in order to provide the necessary inter Park Service because it is the minimum amount of personal information Please note that only the consent will be able to use the service.For the purpose of item retention periodDetermine whether the user identification, and your full name, phone number, date of birth, e-mail address, Member ID, password and after the secession will be discarded.If you want to preserve by just lawsThose obligations are kept separate duringFire prevention and response of the Act, for the purpose of a shortcut for 60 days are kept separatelyCheck whether or not the legal guardian of children under the age of 14 name/email/phone #/carrierTo prevent unauthorized use, preventing fraud, dispute resolution, such as IP Address, the date the visiting record retention, service use records (automatically generated information)
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Username *
Check availability
* password
* Confirm password
* Name
* Child members
can join after accession under the age of 14 under the age of 14 parental consent. Please come check under 14 years of acceding essential terms agreed Interpark Terms and Conditions (required) Cancel View the Terms Important notice summarizes the Interpark, users, services provided, privacy policies, definition of membership withdrawal contained in the Interpark Terms of Use one that should proceed with the specific rights relations and obligations must verify the professional views and agreed in accordance with the terms and conditions. [Interpark] Interpark is the company's goods using a computer, such as information and communication equipment in order to provide users of goods or services It means a place of business or virtual (www.interpark.com or www.interpark.co.kr) set to trading services, as well as use the meaning of the cyber mall operators to operate. However, the children Point Mall, Mart / discount, books, theater / cinema and shopping limited to casino and www.playdb.co.kr on other tabs are excluded. [Services] 1. shopping services (including open-market services) 2 . Book Service (including the direct delivery of services to the provider company and a separate agreement) 3. Ticket service, or ENT services 4. Travel Services (Revised 1/9/2009) 5. Other companies establish operations such as [users] "Users" means the members and non-members receive the service provided by the company in accordance with the terms and conditions by accessing the company. A user by the doctor stating that the company will then fill in the membership information in accordance with the subscription form prescribed agree to these terms and apply for membership, the company Users acceptable, depending on the user of the terms have applied to join as a member is a member the consent. [privacy policy] Interpark bar to collect the minimum information required on the information collected during the plate and purchase contract of the user , and the following mandatory and other details are subject to the laws and Privacy Policy . (a) Name, date of birth or. Phone number is. ID ID (for members) d. Password (for members) do. E-mail address (for members) [members leave] (Membership Withdrawal and Disqualification) Any member may withdraw at any time request the Company to immediately process the membership withdrawal company. However, completion of the sale and purchase procedures of all goods prior to the notice of intention to terminate, must be withdrawn or canceled. Disadvantage in this case due to the sale and purchase withdrawal or cancellation of the members and I have to bear, or violation of other laws, social norms, may membership restriction, suspension, if contrary to public order and morals. Electronic Financial Transaction Terms and Conditions ( required) Cancel View the Terms important notice specific rights under the Terms of use as a summary of the definition of electronic payment settlement services, payment cash deposit services, prepaid electronic payment means contained in the electronic financial transactions Terms relations and obligations must be carried out to verify the professional look and consent. this agreement Interpark Corporation members (the "members" referred to) operated by the Internet site (http://www.interpark.com) (the "site" La), if provided by the users of e-banking service using that throughout, has its purpose fondness legal relationship of electronic financial transactions between members and users. [confirmation of trade details] members are the 'site' 'My page transactions of the user via the "or any other query screen, publisher, purchase price, validity period, usage conditions, enabled merchants, refund conditions and methods, guarantees or compensation insurance contract concerning the conclusion, consumer damage occurs during contact, etc. (includes users' details on the error correction required and the fact that the processing result "of) the and to verify, at the request of the user, the facsimile within two weeks from the date of receipt of the request, by way of mail or direct delivery you will be issued in writing about the transactions. withdrawal of trading instructions if users have an electronic payment transaction, the user article 4 of this agreement until the effective payment occurs claim 4, wherein the substrate representative to the transmission (e-mail of electronic documents by the way it includes the transfer) can be used to withdraw the transaction instructions. It occurs when the effect is the same for each service payments as specified in Article 15 and Article 20 of this Agreement. In addition, users can receive returns a payment amount, depending on how the repeal of laws on offer, such as laws on consumer protection of e-commerce, if the effect of electronic payment occurred [payment agency services] goods or services by electronic means (hereinafter referred to only as' goods, etc. ") of say a thing or service agency or mediating the settlement of the exchange for sending or receiving the payment information in the purchase withdrawal of trading instructions users of electronic payments using payment services If, the user can withdraw the transaction instruction until the input of the payment record or electronic devices of the ledger accounts Interpark financial institutions, or (shares) which is the beneficiary account opened for the information of the transaction indicated amount ends you. In addition, Ltd Interpark if unfulfilled transactions paid in accordance with the withdrawal of trade instruction of the user must return the received funds to the user. [Payment amount deposited Services Payment deposit services "referred to the" advance made ​​on the site ' in the formula communications sales, Inc. Interpark is a consumer deposit payment proceeds to the after delivery is completed, says the institution that pays the seller the price of such goods, withdrawal of trading instructions if users using the payment deposit service , the user transaction and the information of the indicated amount to withdraw the trading instructions until the recipient reaches the specified electronic devices, Ltd. received funds if Interpark unfulfilled transactions paid in accordance with the withdrawal of trade instruction of the user must be returned to the user. [I-Point] users Co. purchased the goods from the seller, such as a neighbor and Interpark issued on the open market on the Internet site (http://www.interpark.com) to operate and that to be used to pay you, Ltd. is a prepaid electronic payment means Interpark is issued, manage, 'Tumi Money "shall mean any person present to function with, prepaid electronic payment means to the. refund reserves user If you require under I-Point or other prepaid return of electronic means of payment (Note) Interpark you can get a refund for the I-Point or other prepaid more than 60% when using the balance of the charged amount of electronic means of payment (except ₩ 10,000 less than the refund using more than 80% of the balance). However, 'Tumi Money "are fees deduction can be then reimbursed for the full amount. However, I-Point and other prepaid return of electronic means of payment provided free of charge is an event , to provide free of charge to users through awards, rewards, etc. before the I-Point and other due prepaid by reason of natural disasters, such as limited to if known in advance, or notify users reimbursement is possible for electronic means of payment (note ) If Interpark or sellers such as this provide goods or services to disable or (shares) may not receive Interpark provides Ltd goods or services from Interpark or seller of a flaw in one issue I-Point or other prepaid electronic payment means you can full refund of the I-Point or other line dispel electronic means of payment that you have. payment method etc. the payment method in I-Point or other prepaid electronic means of payment is cash only for the monetary value charging a single, unusual ( week) to allow the payments to Interpark and prepaid electronic means of payment credit card credit card company signed a settlement affiliate agreement. in addition, gold, gift certificates, etc. illegally cashed concerns in some cases the product I-Point or other prepaid electronic payment in you payment means be limited. However, the limit after prior notice to the users about the items in the payment limit items. personal information Collection Agreement (required) Interpark shopping to Interpark membership, books, ticket reservation, tour / Accommodation / the collection, use the personal information of members, as shown below for the airline reservation service and membership management services, and a wider variety of services. * definitions on the collected agreement mutatis mutandis to the "Interpark Terms of service and Privacy Policy" and Since the minimum personal information required to Interpark service providers can use the service haejusyeoyaman consent. the purpose item retention time user identification and your check your name, phone number, date of birth, email address, username will be destroyed after your Member leave . However, the relationship if you want to keep by law its obligations kept separate for a period, and fire, and 60 days for the purpose of prevention of expedient actions and the corresponding separate will keep the name of the only children under the age of 14 check the legal representative / e-mail / phone number / carrier unauthorized use prevention, using archival records, such as IP Address, visit date, services for the unauthorized use prevention, dispute resolution (personal information that is automatically generated)

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